The Masking & Vaxxing & Compassion Carousel
Given what is now known, what are School Boards and other Policy Makers to do next?
This post is a continuation of the line of thought… Given What is Now Known … what are …. to do next? Please see previous posts from August 8 summarizing evolving Covid-19 related scientific understandings and from August 22 suggesting key follow-up actions EVERYONE should take.
This letter to members of a schoolboard can be shared with any and all who are responsible for the wellbeing of children, youth, adults, seniors, volunteers, staff, management, customers, clients, etc. etc. Please read your target audience into this post whether you run a daycare, seniors’ home or sports team, a church, mosque or other type of faith-based institution, a choir, youth group or an entire school division, or a painting, drama or Karate class, etc., etc.
THANK YOU first of all, for your dedication to the health and wellbeing of the people in your care! We appreciate all the sleepless nights you spent ever since PANDEMIC, COVID, and mRNA have entered our worldwide vocabulary sometime after November 2019.
We recognize that people in positions of leadership carry the heavy responsibility of setting policies that encompass all concerned. You are walking a very fine line, getting pulled from your constituents in both directions…
those who have been following the WHO/Health Canada/Provincial Health guidance diligently these past few years
those who have countered this guidance, some from very early on, others more recently, at the risk of being seen as a troublemaker, outsider, pariah, and even at the risk of losing their reputations, jobs, livelihoods and entire careers.
You all have been responsible for policy making these past three years. It hasn’t been easy. We were hoping the Covid crisis was now all behind us, that we as a society could somehow move on…
And yet - the BigPharma+Public Health+BigMedia+Government machine is back up and at it again hyping the latest variants, NOT reporting that the rise in case counts is mostly due to reduced immunity in the multiply injected, NOT being up front with the astronomical rise in all cause mortality since the vax roll out (not the illness COVID-19) started, NOT sharing all the incriminating data that Pfizer/Moderna et al had been trying to keep covered up about their mRNA vaccine products.
And now, panicked, uniformed, well intentioned parent groups, citizen initiatives etc. are knocking on your doors again, lobbying you once again to DO SOMETHING.
To SAVE US ALL…having learned nothing yet from last time, other than that it is apparently cruel, mean, uncaring, even racist, fascist, homophobic, white supremacist or some other epithet for you and us all to DO NOTHING and let the fear monster grow!!!
At first, following Public Health Guidelines seemed a no-brainer.
But as it became increasingly clear that those expressing the Public Health Guidelines had zero tolerance for the voices of the highly acclaimed top-level whistleblowing leaders in highly specialized fields, people with PhDs on top of MDs, people who worked in teaching hospitals as full blown expert physicians while researching life’s mysteries and teaching the next generation of medical doctors. People whose academic citation index was through the roof, etc. etc.
When their voices were cast aside, deplatformed and otherwise forcefully shut up, globally and in lockstep, it became clear that something untoward was up. When Dr. Paul Marik wept that he was not allowed to care for his patients with proven, safe, inexpensive early antiviral therapeutics that were saving lives, and said “I had to stand by idly, watching these people die” as those very patients were turned over to others who would instead follow the Fauci-ordained protocol that was bound to kill them (Remdisivir + ventilator), then it should have been clear to ALL that something untoward was up.
And now, when we see the devastating results - i.e. sharp increases in deaths by all causes that can only be explained by these injections with their system wide pathways of harm, we really know that something untoward is up. See this post comparing the pro-vax advice from our health authorities from September 2022 with the distressing results.
Sadly, we are all products of our environment and that environment includes the media we surround ourselves with daily. Readers of this and many other substack essays will know that there is an ENTIRE WORLD of news stories that is not making its way onto mainstream media.
Those still captured inside the mainstream media bubble have NOT been learning that that the jury is out…
—> mRNA based “vaccine” products produce nothing but harm
—> masking for a respiratory virus that is many times smaller than the pores in the fabric, and that puffs out between skin, facial hair and fabric are useless at best and more harmful than many realize.
—> We are unfortunately all victims of a high degree of regulatory & media capture by the major pharmaceutical companies. To explain this takes an entire book. (See The Real Anthony Fauci, by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. either in the book or in the movie version.)
It is especially tragic when well meaning individuals like yourselves given the responsibility of leading your various organizations as well as individuals working at the provincial health authority, who are dealing with a ton of responsibilities, were not privy to the real facts and figures these past three years. To sum up current research in two points:
Masking, while it FEELS like we are doing SOMETHING, is not actually effective at stopping the flow of these tiny virus particles, but it can lead to a range of conditions that can have lasting effects (including hypoxia, increased developmental delays, reduced IQ, etc.).
The MORE OFTEN people receive these non-sterilizing COVID-19 vaccine products, the LESS able their immune systems are to fight off infections of all kinds. All that our repeated injections are doing is putting selective pressure on the virus to continuously produce new variants. Like a dog chasing its tail, this cycle can be endless, providing multiple incentives for BigPharma to keep developing new variants of vaccines, which is one heck of a lucrative business model!
There has increasingly been a weaponization of kindness and compassion on nearly every aspect of our lives from food and agriculture, to climate change and the environment, to military expenditures not to mention any imaginable aspect of social interaction from gender, race and immigration issues, including drug use and of course health policy matters. People adept at pattern recognition have long seen how in EACH of these cases, the beneficiaries are those corporations with deep pockets who manage through media manipulation and other means to sweep public monies and private donations toward their own bottom line. You and I and everyone who cares deeply about the state of our society and life on the planet as a whole are being targeted in ways we could only imagine back in the 1980s when we first heard warnings about unchecked and ever-growing corporate powers. This has only gotten worse.
More details on all three points follow. But first,
I encourage you to contact the experts of the Canadian Covid Care Alliance, the nation-wide collective of top COVID specialists in Canada for further guidance on questions related to masking or COVID (and other) mRNA vaccination/boosters. And to listen to the over 50 expert witnesses who testified to the National Citizens’ Inquiry (NCI) on issues of health, medicine, finance, public policy etc. etc. this past summer.
While those who sit on advisory boards to provide medical guidance to governments might well be experts in their various fields, their expertise on evolving COVID related science has so far been lacking. CCCA members have made themselves available to school boards and other organizations seeking clarity on this ever evolving field. Please reach out to them at
Not everyone realizes that those to whom we would generally turn to for guidance including Alberta’s Scientific Advisory Group (SAG) or the National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) were constituted before COVID with a generalist slate of advisors. Members of the local Zones of provincial health staff (like the Edmonton Zone of the AHS to whom local decision makers like yourself turn to for advice) appear to be knowledgeable on matters of barriers to physical mobility, back pain, poison exposure, contact tracing, waste water testing, and other matters of a generalist nature. You may well find them kind and supportive, but you might not have known of their lack of direct hands-on expertise in the field. It would be interesting, the next time you turn to medical advisory professionals, to suggest they take a peek at the questions in this simple “quiz” on the evolving findings around COVID-19 mitigation. People who have been too busy in their duties to spend time seeking professional development OUTSIDE of those opportunities provided through the official, government/pharma sponsored channels, will naturally have fallen behind on what is now known in the field and what would therefore counter previous notions around SARS-CoV-2.
There continue to be few pandemic advisory bodies that include actively treating physicians with understanding of the biological processes involved in Covid infection, prevention or care, such as the members of the Scientific and Medical Advisory Committee of the Canadian Covid Care Alliance. See SMAC here. Over the past three years, we have noted that the SAG, NACI and the local contacts in the local zones of AHS either referred to studies designed without the key understandings relative to spike protein pathologies, or studies designed without sufficient follow up time or flawed in other ways. The affidavit sworn by Dr. Deena Hinshaw in the summer of 2021 was missing the main earth shattering findings on COVID vaccines from months earlier in 2021 (i.e. the vaccine teaching the body to make the part of the virus that causes most harm). Guidance continuing to come out of official bodies including Alberta Health’s Covid “Myths” does not reflect evolving science in the field, and in fact, contributes to misinformation. Despite Dr. Teresa Tam’s promises to be “nimble” and embrace evolving science, governmental bureaucratic structures are not set up to continuously update and “evergreen” an evolving knowledge base and to regularly change their published guidance and remove outdated webpages, policies, etc. etc.
Here are a number of tools and references that can be shared with pro-mask lobbyists in your organization, especially those who until now have wrongfully believed that they can provide data showing “The simple act of putting on masks will save lives.”
a) The message that the human immune system has developed a successful set of tools to fight against whatever it may encounter, a set more effective than cheaply produced, flimsy masks.
b) Handouts and presentations by those who work in the field of respiratory protective equipment such as Alberta’s Chris Schaefer, or US based industrial hygienist Steven Petty. (See the video AND the PDF). In particular, Mr. Petty critiques the studies in favour of mask-wearing as follows:
He also points out that IF mask wearing would have been successful at prevention, rates of infection would have gone DOWN not UP once mask wearing was mandated in the past.
c) This book on masking outlines how it’s a failure and does more harm than good. Slapping breathing barriers on kids caused oxygen-deprivation and other ways of hurting children. We learned via basic immunology, that the roll out among children and young people also deprives them of the opportunity to grow a robust immune system which serves them in their older age to reduce their chances of experiencing chronic diseases.
Hopefully, all these materials will prove educational for those people who are desperately seeking masking as a solution to viral transmission (which it is not). Not everyone realizes yet that the purpose of surgical masks in the hospital operating room was to keep the surgeons’ sneezes or spittle from accidentally landing in the site of an operation while they gave directions to OR staff not for the prevention of respiratory illnesses.
A guidance document for continuous masking in long term care settings provided by Alberta’s Scientific Advisory Group even stated:
Continuous masking could have physical impacts on individuals as well as nonphysical impacts on inter-personal communication and the emotional elements of patient care ...This is a concern particularly in populations with communication challenges (such as the elderly, those with communication disorders, or in addictions and mental health), where lip reading and/or interpreting facial non-verbal cues is a prominent part of communication. Conversely, masking policies may also provide reassurance to patients, families, and staff who are anxious about coming into healthcare settings. (p. 6) ... Although they may not be strictly required from an IPC perspective, mask policies may improve or maintain the perception that the organization is invested in staff safety and help mitigate a contributor to staff burnout (p. 10) The methods used are insufficient to definitively show the effect of continuous masking policies as an isolated infection prevention and control (IPC) measure in hospital settings. No controlled studies were identified, and the observational studies are at high risk of bias due to confounding with concurrent “bundled” IPC measures and infection prevention behaviours by healthcare workers (HCWs). (p. 8)
Similar comments could be made re: masking in an educational setting. If we are simply using masking to give people REASSURANCE for their ANXIETIES about COVID, will we still remain believable once people discover that we (as educators) were just pandering to people’s anxieties? Or that we are trying to give people the PERCEPTION that we as an organization are invested in safety? What do we expect will happen when people become aware that we as educators were not actually educating anyone but rather letting people remain steadfast in their own ignorance of the matter? I am sharing this question as food for thought. How do we educate those parents/students/colleagues who choose to don masks aka breathing barriers because of messaging received through our official channels in the past, when it is now clear that messaging was flawed? Is it being kind to allow people to experience actual harm because one does not want to inform them that they, i.e. we, were wrong?
(I use this term instead of “vaccination” or “immunization” as these non sterilizing mRNA Covid-19 injections do not function like proper vaccines and do not provide the immunization everyone hoped for.)
a) Here is a three minute summation of the results of COVID “vaccine” injection on children by the imminent Geert Vanden Bossche, DMV, PhD, independent virologist and vaccine expert, formerly employed at GAVI and The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Dr. Vanden Bossche explains the effects of these injections to authorities, scientists and experts around the world as do others of his stature.
b) German-Thai retired professor of medical microbiology, MD, PhD Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi also has been one of the first to alert the world to the microbiological details of injection with the genetic instructions that are the mRNA “vaccines.” These are intended to teach the body’s cell tissues to create trillions of copies of the component of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that is the very component that is most responsible for the inflammation of the tissues at the root of many COVID-19 symptoms.
c) The Canadian Covid Care Alliance (CCCA), with its Scientific and Medical Advisory Committee covering a wide range of disciplines or fields of study and hands-on medical experience, has produced excellent video and print material packets that decision makers can share with their clamouring public.
For example:
—> A Parent Guide to Covid Vaccination (2021)
—> Stop the Shots in Kids (2022)
—> Protect Pregnancy and Breastfeeding (2023) and other earlier materials
—> And please note the date on this study —> A Majority of Adults Have Pre-Existing Antibody Reactivity to SARS-CoV-2: Study (2021)
In the absence of more than a cursory few hours of course time spent on immunology in medical school, physicians, nurses, OTs, and other medical professionals would do well to listen to the excellent and informative talks given by the many lay and expert witnesses nationwide who testified to the National Citizens’ Inquiry this past summer. This includes those with a background in pharmaceutical manufacturing and safety testing like Dr. Laura Braden, Ann McCormack, Deanna Mcleod, Alan Cassels, and Charley Hooper, those involved in data and statistics like Edward Dowd, Steve Kirsch, Dr. Denis Rancourt, as well as professors and academic researchers in various scientific fields like pediatric neurology (Dr. Eric Payne), neurology (Dr. Steven Pelech), neuroscience (Chris Shaw, PhD), epidemiology (Dr. Jay Bhattacharya) and other science educators already listed in a previous post.
As well, EVERY decision maker should also listen to the three testimonies of people with expertise in Occupational Health and Safety and risk management: Dean Beaudry, Ryan Ordyzuk and David Redman. Most of us were not aware of how in each province and territory, full scale Emergency Response Planning is in place to cover every emergency, INCLUDING pandemics. But for some reason, when COVID-19 hit, the entire response was put under the sole leadership of the Departments of Health who were woefully lacking in expertise to handle issues resulting from full scale lockdowns of parts of society outside of their scope.
Many of us remember in past decades demonstrating, signing petions and otherwise being involved in citizen action to draw attention to the excesses of corporate greed when it came to the oil industry, textile and footwear manufacturers exploiting workers in sweat shop conditions, the situation of poor and exploited Congolese working to produce so-called blood diamonds, the untoward use of “false flag” operations to drive up military combats with the aim of producing and selling more military hardware, etc. etc. We devoured books like Linda McQuaig’s “Shooting the Hippo” in which she pointed out the ills of corporate malfeasance. Some of us might even have cheered when reading Chrystia Freeland’s 2012 critique of the ueberweathly in Plutocrats: The Rise of the New Global Super-Rich and the Fall of Everyone Else before she acquiesced to their influence and joined some of them on the board of the World Economic Forum. Back in the 1990s and 2000s, we stood up against the corporatization of health care and the bailing out of the big banks at the expense of others. Opposing Big Corp and the associated uebercapitalist Big Business agenda was seen by social minded, caring citizens as the right thing to do.
But recently, pointing at the possibility that Big Corp is using the human body as an endless income stream appears totally TABOO!
Unbeknownst to most of us, Big Corp found a way around the very valid concerns we once expressed without dropping the profit motive. They rebranded. Suddenly, instead of obviously pushing the bottomline for capitalist stakeholders, they started talk of a gentler-sounding “stakeholder capitalism.” shareholder-capitalism-and-state-capitalism-davos-agenda-2021/
Now rebranded, these globalist organizations are trying to tell as that WE the people, through our governments, are supposed to become joyous partakers of the wealth they and we generate jointly. But in reality, this is not the case. CEOs of the world’s largest investment funds like Blackrock and the major corporations that invest there are the “Agenda Shapers”. And, advocates of population reduction methods such as Bill Gates have the largest voices.
Around ten years ago, it was becoming clear (but only to those really looking) how Big Pharma pretty much bankrolled all the health regulatory agencies, practically holding a gun to their heads. “You won’t say my drug product is the best thing ever and give me full market access with this licence, then I won’t pay you your licensing fees, and you will collapse as an agency. Yah hear me??!! We pay over half of your operating expenses, remember that, will yah?!” Corporate profit margins, while not as openly discussed as before, still remain the driving force along with an agenda to “hack” humans and monitor their carbon footprints for example. With a full scale conglomerating of pretty much every industry, including Big Finance, Big Media, Big Energy, Big Tech, Big Military, etc. etc. alongside of the heads of the United Nations and the World Health Organization, it is the major corporations that are consolidating power OVER the population through means such as the ONE HEALTH INITIATIVE, Global treaties at the WHO, the UN’s ESG system of rating companies, and more.
But with a nearly iron-clad control of the media in most Western nations (including Oceania), the population has been unaware of this stealthily increasing corporatism. Through corporate backed organizations like the Centre for Countering Digital Hate, ANY critique which in any way can pull profits away from BigCorp has now been turned around as “hate speech” - You oppose “vaccine” injections? You are an “anti-vaxxer” says an agency with funding from AstraZeneca. Concerned about the harms of puberty blockers for youth? You are a “transphobe”! Talking about the role geo-engineering plays in creating havoc in the weather? You are a “climate-change denier”! Ditto for those Nobel prize winning scientists who recently signed the Clintel World Climate Declaration. They will be ignored, or we will soon be told by mainstream voices that there must be something wrong with them.
Concerned about the impact of open borders on the homelessness situation and advocating for a return to regular pre-Covid immigration policy? You are a “racist.” (There is much $$ to be made in human trafficking, albeit not overly by any one single industry or corporation.) On that note, the makers of a recent movie (Sound of Freedom) shining a light on child sex trafficking too, have a tale to tell of how Hollywood voices have been trying to sidetrack the conversations, maligning the movie as playing to the conspiracy-theory-following right wing religious crowd. Often, someone talking about reading articles in the “alternative” media like Epoch Times or Druthers is rebranded as a kooky “conspiracy theorist”, for example, when they mention that analyses of impending major bank collapses possibly leading to a global recession. Ditto for their articles on how increasingly the agriculture industry is being taken over by fewer and fewer corporations making costly demands on farmers, or how farmers evicted by governments adhering to the World Economic Forum’s Fourth Industrial Revolution agenda with the intern of lowering carbon emissions will jeopardize nationwide food security.
As well, anyone who critiques governments that generously make social programs available while racking up insurmountable debt is also name-called in various ways and dismissed as intolerant, narrow-minded, etc. Anyone who is trying to widen the discourse on nearly any topic beyond the narrow corporate controlled media narrative is vilified as a purveyor of “misinformation” or “disinformation” and more recently “malformation.” Sadly, this is often done by the very voices who are not noticing how their acts of vilification actually help drive the profit motive outside of their field of awareness. And sadly, many of these voices have thus far been from within our own organizations.
Here is a straight-forward example to illustrate this phenomenon. Ever since the opening of “safe” injection sites, we are seeing a proliferation of young and old people addicted to fentanyl and other drugs in our cities. In past decades we learned of the dangers of needle sharing and back alley injections, so marketers on behalf of BigPharma have now come up with the moniker of “safe injection sites” while setting up a whole new government run and financed drug distribution network. Meanwhile we as a society, are once again blind to how Big Pharma is behind this latest rise of suffering. Please view the video Canada is Dying and pay special attention to how the makers of Oxycontin are now using the compassion of well-meaning government and health officials as well as the public to once again profit from a new product line. People advocating to close the “safe” injection sites are seen as “intolerant” and/or as having a selfish NIMBY (not in my back yard) mind set, even though they advocate to increase treatment facilities and to possibly have the drug companies prosecuted.
This conglomeration of BigPharma+Public Health+BigMedia+Government has become clear to many due to the Covid Crisis. Corporate use of social compassion for corporate good has been occurring through various “nudging” initiatives. Similar to the planning of marketing campaigns, much thought had gone into how vaccine uptake was to be driven. This video demonstrates some of the psychological techniques used in the UK to reach out to a minority community with a traditionally lower vaccine uptake than others. This “work” is further outlined or illustrated here:
Viewers can think back to messaging used in our country on the same lines, thanks to Canada’s version of “nudging.”
As decision makers for your organizations, you are now unfortunately needing to face the results of a successful society-wide “nudging” or propaganda campaign re Covid-19 injections, as well as the locking down of our schools and organizations.
You are needing to deal with ongoing division in society and possibly among your staff/student/families as people continue judging others based on comments and choices made and actions taken these past few years.
Much of this division is driven by the sources people have been turning to for information. The roughly 25% of Canadians who continue taking regular boosters are likely following the public health news as presented via mainstream media. Increasingly though, Canadians are turning to other sources outside of the BigPharma compromised agencies, i.e. the actual scientists and academic physicians driving the research mentioned above. But if the leaders and policy makers in your organization are still within the “mainstream corporate bubble” you may soon sense a lack of respect from those who have moved on. It is imperative for every decision & policy maker to understand the thinking and information sources of the public they serve from among a growing majority of Canadians who have “awoken” to what has been (and continues to be) unspoken in mainstream society. This interview presented by former mainstream journalist Kid Carson with child mental health advocate Tasha Fishman provides all listeners with a dizzying explanation of the various “agendas” on the minds of a growing segment of parents these days. Listen carefully to see how on the one hand, these “agendas” could be dismissed as “conspiratorial” while on the other, they are in line with the contention presented here that our compassion is being weaponized outside of our awareness.
A case in point: while many working class Canadians supported the attempt by Canadian truckers to take their case against mandatory injections directly to Parliament by driving to Ottawa, many of the “lap-top class”, or “white collar professionals” were of the opinion (driven by the BigPharma+Public Health+BigMedia+Government conglomerate) that these people were not to be taken seriously. The upcoming Million Person March planned nationally by families opposed to the teaching of “gender as a social construct” rather than as a biological reality will be a new case in point. These people have been concerned that there is a recent spike in young people surveyed who are identifying as identifying as trans, bi or questioning in addition to gay or lesbian. This is precisely the audience being sought by predatory manufacturers of yet another BigPharma product, namely life long hormonal therapies, alongside of medication for the known side effects of medical transitioning, such as osteoporosis, and more. If a wide swath of Canadians concerned about these matters is incorrectly labelled by the policy makers in mainstream institutions as uninformed, insensitive, uneducated, racist, sexist, etc. etc. (which is what the BigPharma+Public Health+BigMedia+Government conglomerate did to the truckers) we will have a repeat event further dividing society with schools at the front line of this division.
So it behooves all decision makers to get out of the corporate media bubble. In the case of teaching gender ideology to the very young, one needs to ask, just like in the Covid situation, WHO BENEFITS? We are now starting to hear the threat that young people not allowed to transition will become suicidal, when there is more suicidal ideation among those who regret the finality of their choice to medically transition. Do we understand how our compassion is being turned into a weapon — to silence those who prefer to suggest kids wait till they are older before making such monumental life changing decisions? Are we open to asking whether rapidly rising gender dysphoria, possibly fuelled through a rising number of social media platforms and their influencers, could be sponsored in some way by manufacturers of puberty blockers and other pharma products? They would certainly be preying on a potential and vulnerable life long customer base. Not only were teenagers considered great marketing targets because of their disposable income, their bodies are now seen as targets because of their gullible minds! In suitable grade levels where healthy life choices are part of the curriculum, information from both sides of the “gender construct” and “transition debate” needs to be presented. This would include talks by those who regret their choices to medically transition into another gender. Currently, these people are being presented in mainstream discourse as voices to be labelled as purveyors of hate and transphobia, etc. and banned instead of being invited into the discussion.
Hopefully we can all learn from how we too were purposely nudged into a certain pro-pharma mindset when it came to Covid-19. Big Pharma (and all of the Big Corp conglomerate through the mega-investment organizations like Blackrock) currently hold immense powers over our medical, media and governmental institutions. Can we resist the power held by those who seek endless markets for their products (like the makers of annual boosters)? Are we aware that Moderna and Pfizer are currently building on the “success” of the mRNA platform to manufacture shots for RSV (respiratory syncytial virus), HIV, Zika, Epstein-Barr virus, tuberculosis, malaria, HIV, shingles, flu and cancer? This despite knowing how much evidence of harm Pfizer specifically hid from the public including from the regulators. What is to say that the manufacturers and investors of gender-transiton related products do not have a similar mindset, weaponizing compassion to prey on young people with only corporate profit in mind?
Moving right along, a very important aspect for any organization to now deal with is the increasing number of vaccine injured staff, students, families and how they face massive gaslighting when they seek medical care. Doctors are not recognizing how varied and system wide symptoms are directly related to the actions of trillions of manufactured spike protein in the body. Or if doctors are aware, the health authorities are not allowing these to be reported as connected to the injections. And so few medical professionals are aware of the internationally recognized treatment protocols. And if medical professionals are aware, they are blocked by pharmacists who are under directives NOT to make key components available to patients. And when medical professionals are aware of these therapeutics and are able to get the prescriptions filled, their colleges remove their licences to practice. Many of the physicians in the list of expert witnesses to the NCI spoke of these multiple crazy phenomena. Many of the lay witnesses who testified at the National Citizens Inquiry shared stories that likely reflect the experience of many people within your organization. (See the V section of this thematic index here for many examples.) So, what are you doing to honour these voices and experiences? Saying something like “thanks to everyone’s dutiful uptake of the Covid-19 vaccines, we are now over the pandemic” would be totally inappropriate for this audience who is forever reminded of the extreme pressure you put them under and of the harsh consequences they experienced. A number of vaccine injured workers are finding that with time, their symptoms are worsening. Recent testing has started pointing at the rise of D-dimers in the blood (shows blood clots breaking down, a marker of vaccine-induced spike protein related microclotting. Other testing can now show that the body continues making spike protein, even up to a year after injection. As spike protein accumulates and antibodies wear down more systemic havoc arises. Employers need to realize that the vast majority of vaccine injured are NOT receiving any compensation and if they do, the compensation will by far NOT meet their financial needs into the future. Between lockdown related business and job losses and vaccine injuries, an increasing umber of families are sliding down out of the middle class and into poverty. A refresher read of Dr. Ruby P Kayne’s Understanding Poverty is well advised as students and staff under your care might indeed be facing the culture shock of entering a lower financial culture than they have been used to.
Seek to work with your staff health insurance programs to find ways to support the staff that is very likely NO LONGER IN YOUR EMPLOY. Do not let them be forgotten especially since they would NOT be in their current situation had your organization not pushed for proof of vaccination mandates in the first place. Keep in mind that NO ONE who took the injection, either willing or unwillingly, was given the information needed to provide fully informed consent.
Finally, if I can give one last piece of advice, when it comes to the communication of sudden and unexpected deaths of students or staff within the school community - do not sugar-coat the situation. Many students will already be aware of the potential for a connection between the sudden death and the COVID-19 vaccine and many will be wondering “Am I going to be next?” This especially for students involved in athletics as the connection between adrenaline rushes and cardiac arrest is becoming clear. Having trusted adults remain silent on this important matter is NOT good for student wellbeing. There is now sufficient published peer reviewed medical and scientific literature linking injections with Covid-19 shots and all kinds of adverse reactions including deaths even months later. For the sake of our students, we need to concretely communicate basic scientific facts. Otherwise they may remain in a state of anticipatory grief. Anyone who is aware of the higher risk of severe disability and death post vax has been silently grieving when their loved ones reveal having had to/or chosen to succumb to the injections. (I can give multiple examples of “aware” students grieving each time it is somehow mentioned by a favourite adult (like teachers, coaches) that they took the shot. They grieve in advance, worried that these people would somehow need to drop out of their current roles should vax-associated disabilities develop, or even sudden-death occur.)
To show you one way to break the code of silence and speak truth to teens, please consider sharing these responses to frequently asked questions by Alberta Dr. William Makis, who has been closely following the numbers of sudden unexplained deaths in this province (with unexplained deaths being the top cause of death already a year ago).
FAQs with responses by Dr.William Makis MD, FRCPC
- What is the likelihood that student athletes can have a sudden or unexpected death after physical exertion?
The risk of myocarditis is approximately 1 in 30, which then predisposes one to a sudden cardiac event or arrest.
How many of the 1 in 30 actually suffer such events is currently unknown.
- Because we have seen some reports online of male athletes collapsing these days, is there a connection between adrenaline, testosterone and cardiac events?
Stress hormones (i.e. norephinephrine, cortisol) serve as trigger from myocarditis to arrhythmia which leads to sudden cardiac events or arrest.
- If I am worried about having undiagnosed conditions that could lead to a sudden cardiac event, what can I do?
Consider a cardiology work-up with blood work and imaging (i.e. cardiac MRI, or cardiac PET scan).
- What factors can lead to a greater likelihood of collapse during or after a sporting event? Could excessive heat, dehydration, exertion, caffeine, alcohol, tobacco or other products play a role?
It is likely that all of those can contribute to, or slightly increase the risk of a collapse.
- Can portable defibrillators make a difference if a sudden cardiac event occurs outdoors?
Yes, access to a defibrillator is crucial to save lives if a sudden cardiac event occurs outdoors or indoors
Additional FAQs could be sought and added. In particular people could be informed about the role of the enzyme nattokinase in helping combat the toxic spike protein and possibly circumvent future needless cardiac events.
Dr. Makis has written about other therapeutics that help in the case of vaccine injuries. This kind of information can also be shared with those make first aid and OHS information to staff.
In closing,
we are nowhere near the end of Covid.
Please admit to any mistakes you may have made and go outside of the corporate media bubble to understand where and how your organization may have gone wrong.
Rebuilding trust will need to be your next priority.
Thank you.