When last year's pro-vax public health advice ended in harm...
Serious questions that need asking
This is where we were last year.
Conflicting directives from and among Canada’s National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) various Health Canada advisors and officers. These authorities were calling for an updated frequency and different time intervals in an ongoing schedule of COVID-19 boosters for the population. Just in time for last year’s back to school season at schools and universities.
Original link here.
All this from our health officials WHILE top epidemiologists had been publishing paradigm-shifting studies including this one pointing at the uselessness and inappropriateness of COVID-19 boosters for young adults.
A year after their publication, I am shamelessly pasting in screen caps of these two articles here, so the blue text links will NOT work. Both Western Standard and Epoch Times operate on a subscriber model, which often prevents browsing beyond the headlines by occasional visitors. However, both offer high quality journalism at affordable rates for anyone willing to pay for access. See this is the link to the article screen capped below.
Despite this and many other such studies published throughout 2021 and 2022, in November 2022, Health Canada published this beautiful looking, misinformation packed multilingual video encouraging parents and children to accept the injection with Covid-19 vaccines/boosters.
And the results…?
Thanks to Dr. William Makis, we see regular posts clearly showing the human costs of this choice by health officials to ignore the science.
This is just one small excerpt of a litany of grief - grief that could have been avoided had policymakers actually followed the science.
And thanks to David Dickson, we have these telling graphics based federal and provincial data. (See https://dksdata.com/COVID19 for more).
MORE CANADIANS DYING FROM ALL CAUSES IN 2022 than in 2020 when the Wuhan and Delta variants were circulating before any vaccines were available. 2023 data is not yet available but the trend is clear.
Given what is now known about a high velocity burst of foreign nanoparticles carousing throughout the body within hours, even crossing the blood brain barrier, as well as into the placenta in the case of pregnancy, settling in any combination of organs and tissues, depositing the mRNA instructions to produce trillions of spike protein overwhelming the body’s immune system, producing unprecedented clotting while also leading to the perforation of tissues, particularly of the lining of blood vessels (which run EVERYWHERE), such that immediately or over many months tissues can die off, organs can cease to function, nerve pathways are firing incorrectly and ANY NUMBER OF OTHER REACTIONS can occur. Even a sudden rise in car accidents in which the driver is suddenly incapacitated must be taken into account as potentially C-19 “vaccine” induced. It has now come to the point where unless a death is clearly related to another naturally occurring cause, it must be presumed to be connected to a history of Covid mRNA injection.
Forget “PROTECTION” against Covid. Look at how many more deaths from all causes were reported in 2021 and 2022 than prior to the rollout of these vaccine products.
Any media, health or government official who in the fall of 2023 is touting the (even less studied) fall Covid boosters or other mRNA injectable products must be asked to explain the RISING all cause mortality rates documented even within government sources. How did all the advice to take the shots given by the BigPharma+media+government conglomerate, DESPITE the published evidence that advised against them, help “protect” any of the people whose deaths are included in the 2021 and 2022 tables (above the average all cause mortality prior to 2019)?
Additional questions to ask at this time where shared in the September 4 post Chatting with my Pharmacist and are shared here as well.
When looking at news of the trial held on the latest round of flu vaccines (the first time ever the mRNA platform was being used for influenza), well-informed pharmacists would be wise to ask questions such as:
—> Given that for the Covid-19 trials “effective” was deemed to mean “a higher count of antibodies” and not “prevention of illness” or “prevention of transmission” what was the indicator used for efficacy in this mRNA based flu vaccine trial?
—> Given that in the case of the major Covid-19 mRNA injections, the manufacturers’ word was taken as the whole truth (until it became clear thanks to the court ordered release of all of the Pfizer data, that numbers were fudged to arrive at the artificially high efficacy rate) what actions has Health Canada taken to independently replicate the data provided by the manufacturers of the fall boosters and/or new mRNA flu shots?
—> Given all the system wide side effects of mRNA based Covid-19 vaccine products, how sure are we that the tiny handful of people upon whom the new mRNA flu vaccine was tested just less than 5 months ago, do not have any long term system-wide side effects?
—> How many packets per vial of mRNA are being injected with each dose? Is it 30 trillion again?
—> How has the lack of safe manufacturing practices implemented last time been addressed this time around? (See the the testimony by Dr. Laura Braden on this topic.) What about all of the issues with trial design and conflicts of interest testified re the COVID shot by Deanna McLeod. How have they been addressed this time around?
—> If there were no people with previous vaccine damage from the Covid-19 injection among the trial participants, how do we know what getting a double whammy can do to some people, i.e. how do previously vax-injured people survive yet another set of mRNA instructions imposed on their cells? Ditto, do we know if the very young or very old, or women in pregnancy were included among the ridiculously tiny group of only 50 trial participants…? If not, what assures us that injecting these people is “safe and effective”?
—> What do we know about the actions and interactions of TWO mRNA based vaccines given to the same person within close proximity of each other or on the same day? Sitting alone, baking soda and vinegar are harmless. But we know what happens when they are combined. Who is trying out the combination of multiple RNA vaccine injections at the same time? Where can we find that trial data before injecting our patients with two of such potential power kegs at one time? I imagine the immune system even more frazzled than it is now…fizzing out everywhere like the baking soda vinegar combo. Who needs that?
—> Who will need to stand up and take responsibility in the case of successful prosecution of harm? Is there a chance that someone at the top will try to save their own skin by throwing the liability question down to those in the pharmacies who actually pulled the trigger on the needle?
Given that mRNA injections Do Not and Cannot Work, why are we seeing them over and over again?
Shame on those who keep “beating on a dead horse” bringing back endless boosters and those who don’t see how it is in their power to put an end to this needless killing of human life.
UNLESS you are one of the Pandemic Profiteers.
Excerpt borrowed from: https://www.mercurynews.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Vulture-Capitalists-by-Steve-Sack-The-Minneapolis-Star-Tribune-MN.jpg?w=780
Either that or you are afraid to look at what the science shows.