I have yet to see any evidence that serum antibodies elicited by any intramuscular injection can cross the mucosal barrier either at all or in any sufficient quantity to prevent infection there.

Two things are therefore critical to state. 1)These shots could NEVER have stopped transmission - that is a blatant lie. 2)The claim of "protection against severe disease" is highly dubious since the innate, mucosal immune system components deal with the majority of any respiratory infection and these are not strengthened by any vaccination/transfection. Ascribing the prevention of a systemic infection to serum antibodies elicited by vaccination ignores the entire respiratory infection process.

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Good point. Too bad no one kept pushing Health Can for that kind of evidence early on. Dr. Bhakdi used this analogy: Imagine keeping your security guards in the basement and leaving the front door open. Having antibodies generated by the vax running through the circulatory system (the basement) doesn't put them up in the respiratory system (upstairs) where the virus enters!

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