(Note: A “PRESENTATION” version of “Granny’s letter” has now been added for downloading alongside of the slide show.” Anyone with a tablet, laptop or other screen could now make appointments to share the slide show with any decision makers in any organization (especially those organizations that purport to be concerned with the health and safety of their staff, members, etc.) The presentation guide can easily be printed off in advance and can be used as you walk your audience through the slide show.
These past few years, the concern about “protecting the vulnerable” has been interpreted to mean ensuring that those in their senior years receive regular access to Covid-19 shots and boosters. We have been worried about their vulnerability in terms of frailty, co-morbidities and often declining physical health.
Many of us have not considered another way in which many elderly are vulnerable — many of them are without access to the internet or the wherewithal to seek out evidence-based information to counter the pro-vax propaganda all around them. So they have not been able to do that which many of us take for granted… look things up that appear questionable. Verify sources. Double and triple check incoming information and so on.
These dear people have been vulnerable to the messaging placed before them by those who are deeply concerned about their health and well being. Sadly, health care workers, family members and others involved in the lives of the senior population may not have realized that certain interests have essentially “weaponized” their compassion for their beloved elderly family members. The more we pushed vaccination to the exclusion of all other preventative and treatment measures, the more the stock prices of those invested in these products went up… It is those interests that invested in all sorts of nudging and marketing mechanisms to and through government health agencies to draw as many sales as possible - and those interests who had the wherewithal to control the media that brought us and our elders the one-solution narrative. If we as a society had not been not pulled in to believe the health of our own parents and grandparents (and infants and toddlers) was ENDANGERED, we might all have had a more questioning and rational response to this virus that coincidently emerged just as a “table top” simulation involving global corporate players and a fictional “corona-like” virus sweeping the world was wrapping up! (See Event 201 here.)
The majority of our older population gets all their news from mainstream TV channels. Also, it has been said that the elderly (a term I am using for the 80+ crowd) grew up with a high degree of respect for authority and that would include respect for their physicians. It is this population that is most likely to follow the public health guidance and ensure they are regularly injected with whatever product is placed before them.
And yet…
And yet, especially among immigrants to this country, it is actually many of the 80+ crowd who experienced fascist, socialist, communist or other forms of dictatorship earlier in their lives. They may have lived under governments that restrict freedom of mobility, freedom of speech and particularly, freedom of the press.
So while everyone was talking about the elderly being particularly vulnerable to potentially getting and dying from Covid and how they needed to take government mandated yet unproven products to “stay safe” some of them were already conditioned via life experiences to be leery of any top down government controlled actions.
What a funny dilemma to be in…
something the government says is not really sitting right with me
everyone is telling me that it is for my own good that I do x, y and z even though I personally am not convinced
my adult children, whom I love dearly and trust above anyone else, are also telling me to do x, y, z.
most of my peers are ensuring they do x, y and z - and seem horrified if I express even the slightest hint of reluctance
IF these elderly people could have heard half of what some of the witnesses to the National Citizens’ Inquiry had testified;
IF the mainstream media had broadcast highlights from each day’s testimonies;
IF preventation and treatment protocols were not viciously “poopooed” by key influencers whose messages were then rapidly spread by uninvestigative media;
IF their healthcare employed adult children had also heard this information - we would have had less uptake on the COVID-19 vaccines among the the older population. Based on incoming evidence, one can deduce that…many of our dearly departed could well still live among us…I KNOW THS IS HARD for those who are in a state of bereavement and I do NOT wish to cause further harm for the grieving.
Instead, in this post, I am addressing those still living among us - who may or may not know that there is something that can be done to improve their longevity even after having been given multiple injections of Covid-19 mRNA spike protein instructions.
Consider a sharp thinking senior who has figured out that which the (former) director of the CDC so blithely announced already in January 2022
Now our sharp senior has no way to access information beyond that which government-funded channels are giving her or him:
—that the government is looking out for everyone; —that we should all trust the science; —that those who talk about any other way to cure an illness other than the injections are somehow a bad influence, harmful people to be avoided.
Our senior might think back to the Thalidomide tragedy, the Oxycontin issue, even doctor sponsored cigarette advertising, all from people who claimed to be following the science.
And our senior might wonder, what ever happened to free, open, public debate of old? How and why did that simply disappear to be replaced with “cancel culture”?
Introducing two printables!
This letter was written for just such a sharp thinking yet internet deprived senior:
It is a two-pager that can be taken to a copy shop, duplicated and passed on.
This downloadable letter is directed to the senior’s personal doctor or pharmacist - but it can be used as a teaching tool and passed along to many other people. The recipients will have internet access and will be able to navigate to THIS POST to see the references included in context by opening up THIS SLIDE SHOW.
The letter might be just the thing to protect a sharp minded, critical thinking elderly person from more cajoling, coercion or other forms of persuasion loved ones or medical professionals might be trying to implement.
It could be something that confirms our seniors’ hunches… something that allows them to articulate informed reasons they seek other forms of protection, not more BigPharma “gene therapies” going by the name of “vaccines” …
Vaccines In Name Only - VINOs (Just a little joke not everyone will get!)
And the Presentation Version of the letter can be printed off when the slide show is presented to other audiences.
Enjoy the read! Wishing (great)grannys and (great)grampas everywhere all the best with their messaging, in the hopes that the letter and this back up slide show helped.
And in the hope that the doctors they give the letters to are already aware of the content.
Or if they are not, that they are not going push it aside as “nonsense” at this point in time. That would be to willfully stop learning.
I have yet to see any evidence that serum antibodies elicited by any intramuscular injection can cross the mucosal barrier either at all or in any sufficient quantity to prevent infection there.
Two things are therefore critical to state. 1)These shots could NEVER have stopped transmission - that is a blatant lie. 2)The claim of "protection against severe disease" is highly dubious since the innate, mucosal immune system components deal with the majority of any respiratory infection and these are not strengthened by any vaccination/transfection. Ascribing the prevention of a systemic infection to serum antibodies elicited by vaccination ignores the entire respiratory infection process.