"Not Bolus Theory, but "Accelerated Aging Theory" of Vaccine Injury

I need some help understanding this. First, it's a great flow chart. If I understand bolus right, and this might be my problem, "bolus" means the shot density into the person. Hasn't it been accepted for some time that the density and volume are what make the countermeasure so dangerous. (Of course we have to include the long lifetimes of the psi-mRNA and LPN and spike and total volume of spike produced over time that is active, not inactive, etc) I would have to stay it is the quantity of each of the intended and unintended products from vial through the lifetime of the vial contents and all its biproducts that produces the lifetime adverse effects/events. That, coupled with the biology of the recipient, determines the final outcome, but the general path is toward accelerated aging of the person along with accelerated deterioration of body function. "Bolus" doesn't capture the lifecycle of the vial contents and all the biproducts. It doesn't capture the idea of time and continued consequence. The hypothesis should be "Accelerated Aging Theory of Vaccine Injury".

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It's fair to say we all want a simple answer (virus/no virus) or mRNA bad/traditional vax okay but the reality is a sordid mess of intricately woven truths, lies, knowns and unknowns. Scientifically, the pursuit of all of these mechanisms is great but they can be selected and/or manipulated by those with influence and power to obscure other issues and continue pushing medical interventions.

While I find this personally interesting, the bigger issue lies in the use of force and coercion of medical products upon the populace and that's not an issue of science.

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