Understanding the basic mechanism of an mRNA injection...
Vaccinology basics and what to do next...
Thank you to the readers who added additional angles in the comment section. Many reasons that mRNA injections are not all they were “cracked up to be”!!
SHE: We know that mRNA Covid-19 vaccines are safer than ordinary vaccines.
ME: What makes you think so?
SHE: Well, they don’t introduce a live virus into the recipient.
ME: Gobsmacked!! Thinking: So A) the pro-vax propaganda didn’t even explain the old inactivated and live-attenuated vaccines properly to her. And B) she has no clue about spike protein!!! Where do I even start??!!
ME: That’s interesting. So I take it that you’ve had your childhood vaccines like chickenpox, mumps, etc. and maybe some travel vaccines like malaria?
SHE: Yes.
ME: So for those shots you got inactive or modified versions of the viruses or bacteria that cause those diseases. In response, your body built antibodies BUT DID NOT GET SICK. So the idea being, if you ever run into those viruses anywhere, your body will remember what to do to fight them off.
SHE: Exactly. That’s the whole point. To have protection against the disease.
ME: So it’s kind of like having your family participate in the National Fire Prevention Week in October - you take the time to plan an escape route. Then, should a fire actually take place, all your people know exactly what to do, how to escape, where to meet afterwards etc.
ME: But now, any vaccine products with “mRNA” in their name, like the Covid one, and like new ones they are working on for other illnesses, etc. aren’t like that. In order to prep the body to fight off an attack, they make the body do a bunch of extra exhausting work. First, the body needs to produce the element of the virus it is supposed to fight. Then, it needs to fight it. It would be like setting thousands of mini fires all around your house, then putting them out, then trying to escape and collecting what is left of the family.
SHE: I don’t get it. What are you even talking about?
ME: So let’s compare that simple 3-step process of regular vaccines with the much more complicated process of the mRNA shots.
ME: So the old way would have been to take a component of the virus, like this one with the red arrow, deactivating and injecting it and having the body produce antibodies to it. Voila! Simple! Done!
SHE: So why didn't they do that?
ME: Because to prove that the virus component is deactivated, that it really is safe, and that you really are NOT injecting the possibility of the real infection takes years of waiting and checking on different groups of test subjects. Also because the US military was involved. Countries have all been working at figuring out how to create biological weapons, and working on killer diseases for this purpose is a no-brainer. At the bottom of this post I link to Dr. Meryl Nass’s work on the World Health Organization treaty and she gets into the bigger picture stuff. But here, I am going to pretend that side of the situation doesn’t exist and I will just keep to the science end of things for today!
SHE: I appreciate that. So how does this new mRNA route work? What are all the other steps for?
ME: So first they pull the genetic “blueprint” from the part of the SARS-CoV-2 virus they are targeting (the spike protein) and they essentially translate it so your body cells can read and follow the instructions in this blueprint. The big difference between the old and the mRNA vaccines is that these hijack the recipients’ cells, forcing them to make the target protein, instead of injecting something ready to respond against.
SHE: So we wouldn’t have received something to produce antibodies for? We first had to produce the thing our antibodies are to react to?
ME: Yup, you got it!! Twice as much work. Not to mention that each shot contains trillions of these mRNA blueprints. With poor quality control. And no direct plan of attack. So in some people, the mRNA instructions ended up in certain tissues so only those cells made the spike protein. In other people they ended up travelling up and down the veins and arteries to all parts of the body so nerves, tissues, the linings of veins and arteries and anything else ended up making the spike protein. In some people there were errors in translation, so to speak, so fewer packets of instructions were readable and more useless junk was included.
SHE: That’s weird.
ME: People found that different batches caused more harm than others. That is documented on a website called How Bad is My Batch? So you may have been lucky. Someone else may have gotten a worse dose. A number of people involved in vaccine trials and safety testing testified to the National Citizens’ Inquiry, so if you want to take the time to learn about what quality control issues have been found, we can stop here and take a look. For example, did you know that vaccine components are actually cultured in a batch of e-coli? Some impurities from that have even been found in the mRNA vaccine products…
SHE: Yuck!
ME: Other expert witnesses talked about the problems with the safety trials, and so much more. Here, take a look now or come back later to listen and learn more.
Dr. Laura Braden’s testimony and/or brief Interview
Dr. Maria Gutschi, PharmD, discussing concerns with the trials of the COVID-19 injections
Deanna Mcleod - involved in clinical trial design and oversight re: Pfizer
Dr. Chris Shoemaker - the toxicity of the mRNA Covid “vaccines” especially for children and pregnant women
ME: So let’s compare what we were told by the various high level health agencies, like the US Centres for Disease Control (CDC) and compare the talking points with reality.
SHE: Yes, I remember all of that. It’s basically why I chose to get vaccinated as soon as I was eligible.
ME: Government bureaucrats work on annual budget cycles, so once a program is launched, if they were to break it off mid cycle that would screw up planning, money flow, etc. Also they worry they will lose credibility. So they would straight up ignore evolving science that, if followed, would have had to have them end their campaign. EVEN THOUGH people like Canada’s Dr. Teresa Tam would state that they were being “nimble” and were following where the science led them. So please don’t be mad at me, when I overlay the insights from ongoing scientific research that actually explodes apart pretty much all of this. The people to be mad at, in addition to those at the very top (i.e. people in the US like Anthony Fauci) are those who chose to ignore all the warnings and pushed ahead anyway.
I am italicizing the messaging that we should have heard instead of the hyper positive fairytale-land messaging we got from the CDC.
Understanding that the virus that causes COVID-19 is a corona virus, so many people already had antibodies against this common class of virus. People who had SARS 17 years earlier were still producing antibodies that fought this SARS-CoV-2 off years later.
Understanding that this virus had a very low infection fatality rate. In other words, despite all of the hype, few people actually died FROM Covid-19. Sometimes, it was the very last thing that put someone who was infirm and dying from other conditions over the edge. But because of CDC policies, ones that impacted hospital funding, the rule was if someone tested positive for COVID-19 within 30 days of their death, the record was to show that they died FROM Covid, even though that was not technically the case. And because of Dr. Fauci’s declaration that remdesivir and ventilators were to be the ONLY approved treatment, many people actually died of Covid made WORSE by those two routes. Understand also, that any flu-like illness was now classified as COVID and that the normal death rate due to influenza completely disappeared from the record at the time. And that the PCR tests were mostly useless, showing way more false positives wherever the test cycle rates were set much higher than recommended by the manufacturers including in most Canadian provinces.
Understanding that this virus connects to the ACE-2 receptors in order to gain a foothold within the body and that children do not fully develop these receptors till they're teens. This is why healthy children had a virtual zero fatality rate from COVID-19 and should have been exempt from vaccine mandates.
Understanding that normally, when someone is sick with something, treatment is sought and provided as soon as possible. Here, people were refused early treatment, and were being told that none was available. They heard they should only come to hospital once they could no longer breathe, meanwhile staying at home untreated and possibly passing the virus on to family members. What could have happened and what did happen in other countries less tied to CDC directives was that early antiviral treatment was given to the patients and preventatively to their family members. This prevented the replication or reproduction of the virus in the early phase of the illness. So everything that was known about the stages of the COVID-19 illness and which treatment works in which phase was being censored out of public discourse in countries like Canada, the US, Australia, New Zealand and much of Europe. The physicians who were aware of valid and effective treatments were deplatformed, fired and even had their licences removed. See this post for more background, including the “teflon vs velcro” analogy.
What is mRNA? & What is in the vaccine? While the descriptions provided are technically accurate, they are also very disingenuous and flawed in that they purposely omit so much crucial information. When up to 3o trillion sets of instructions for the making of spike protein are flooded into your body, a lot can go wrong. When the “coating that makes delivery easy” is a lipid nanoparticle that was designed for use in brain cancer therapy and was made to bypass the blood/brain barrier then the cells in the brain are also being highjacked to produce spike protein once the mRNA instructions are thrust at them. Even the phrase, the “coating…keeps the body from damaging” the mRNA…. makes it all sound harmless. There is no mention of the inflammatory nature of lipid nanoparticle technology and of the bad track record of this technology in animal trials over the years. The CDC graphics sidestep so very much. For example:
Hah!! Once again the official messaging is technically correct. It does not GIVE you COVID-19 (the illness) but it provides you with trillions of sets of instructions to make the part of the COVID-19 virus that CAUSES THE MOST DAMAGE. So little comfort there. And it weakens your immune system each time you end up with new shots and new instructions to build and fight off new spike protein all over again, leaving you more susceptible to repeat bouts of COVID-19. Anyone who is multiply boosted should technically have sufficient protection against this virus. And yet, the majority of COVID cases has long been in the group with 3 or more shots.
When medical professionals looked up adverse reactions of the COVID-19 vaccine product, they were directed to the list of normal reactions to the old style (inactivated or live attenuated virus) vaccines. But when patients reported system wide neurological, cardiac, digestive or other symptoms as a result of the simultaneous attack on their systems of trillions of spike protein they were tricked into making within their own bodies, they were told what they were experiencing was NOT related to the injection. This is because there was nothing on record re: those kinds of adverse reactions as even a possibility for these new products. Check out the list of types of published and verified adverse events reports put together here by the community at CovidVaccineInjuries.com.
Sigh!!! that was what we were being told. But there was NO EVIDENCE that once you have a trove of vaccine-generated antibodies against the ONE COMPONENT OF THE SARS-CoV-2 virus that they would be as durable and long lasting as the full spectrum of antibodies produced as a result of fighting off a COVID-19 infection. They are not. What a perfect way to create a demand for endless cycles of “booster” shots! Break their naturally acquired immunity with a technology that is inferior. Tell them they need it again and again. People who acquired antibodies from fighting off COVID-19 (the illness based on the full virus) wreck the resulting full spectrum protection by following that up with a booster based on only ONE component of the virus.
All of these simplified official “pro-vax” graphics miss the point on some of the real dangers. As long as no one updates them, people will remain fooled into thinking these products are “safe and effective”
For example, we keep being told…
Researchers like Dr. Daniel Nagase are following the mRNA, DNA, transfection thing as closely as they can given the data available to them in their observer positions on the OUTSIDE of BigPharma. The creepy implication is that if the DNA of a cell within the fetus also gets impacted by these instructions to create spike protein, the next generation can be affected. Ditto for if egg and sperm cells have their DNA rewritten to pass down imbedded spike-protein-making instructions to EVERY CELL of a future offspring. And US based scientist Kevin McKernan has now found plasmid DNA contamination INSIDE vials of the vaccine. This stunning finding was replicated by Dr. David Speicher using the latest Canadian vaccine products.
Ergo, we witness a rash of “auto-immune” (self attacking) disorders after multiple injections, along with a whole new category of ‘immunocompromised” individuals that we didn’t have before.
SHE: So are you saying that while I was being told the mRNA COVID-19 shot would give me protection, it actually didn’t?
ME: Great question. In the first studies done in Israel at the start of 2021 “protection” was measured in terms of numbers of antibodies being produced over the short term. So everyone who got the shot got higher rates of antibodies in the few weeks after that shot, than people who did not get the shot.
SHE: But you said they didn’t last.
ME: Correct.
SHE: And you said that there were many other harmful results that the official messaging didn’t address.
ME: You said it. That is where my analogy about setting lots of little fires comes in handy. Instead of making a plan as to how to fight off COVID-19 when it is encountered, like the old-style vaccines did for other illnesses, your body has now had to fight off all these micro attacks throughout your body (if the doses you got did their job!!)
SHE: So now what? Am I doomed?
ME: Not necessarily. Medical practitioners who are aware of ongoing evidence-based COVID research findings can be of great help. Yet they might not be able to practice via the government-funded medical systems. They might be running through so-called “wellness” clinics to stay under the radar. We all hope and pray that the mainstream medical system will catch up quickly to what non-pharmaceutical controlled science has been finding out these past 3+ years.
There are different things you can be tested on, for example whether your D-Dimer levels are high. This could mean you have micro blood clotting you are not aware of. You could look into therapeutic combinations that are already now proven to break spike protein apart into its base components, in order to neutralize its effects. You can start with this post about spike protein and its removal.
SHE: I guess some of us have a lot of catching up to do!
ME: Please don’t just take my word for any of this. Listen to those principled doctors and researchers who are NOT standing silently by as the official lies roll out. Dr. Meryl Nass stands out among many who have already or are in the process of losing their medical licenses because of their courageous efforts to educate the public, including law and policy makers. She had previously testified to two legislatures in Canada re: anthrax back in the 1990s.
Take a look at her current writings around topics such as the following:
My Discussion with Sasha Latypova about the Insanity of the WHO Pandemic Treaty and here is a rewritten post on the topic as well
ME: And if anyone tries to tell you that COVID is over and we are all so past it, remind them of the many many people who are mourning the deaths of loved ones either because early and effective antiviral treatment was not offered as an option and they ended up dying or because of sudden or unexpected deaths due to the COVID injections. And remind them of all the people who now need to live with the consequences of vaccine injury. I would recommend this documentary (Uninformed Consent) even though it is over a year old now.
SHE: Thanks.
ME: And if ANYONE tries to make you take more COVID-19 boosters, NO MATTER WHAT THEY TELL YOU, SAY NO!!! Science is not on their side!! Give them a copy of this book, Canary in a Covid World, and let them learn a thing or two!
SHE: OK, see you next time!
ME: (Thinking) I hope this talk helped! Until now it has been purely imaginary. But if the content and graphics help at least one or two readers in their communication, then writing and sharing this post was worth it. ;-)
mRNA shots are transfections. I learned from JJ Couey that is what they are and that tech has been used to induce protein production in lab animals for many years. But these lab animals are not meant to live very long past that point ..Furthermore there's a major difference between a cell suddenly producing a non-self protein away from the mucosa where normal infection takes place (skin, airways, gut) and a whole array of specific cells live which start a cascade of immune signals.
Plus the evidence that any intramuscular shot produces any meaningful mucosal immunity seems thin at best, and cannot train the innate immune system to get better.
You need to show the plasmid that makes the psi-mRNA. That RNA is significantly different than the original and lasts a long time in the body. The plasmids are included in the vial. They are ready to reproduce in the body if they get surrounded by the LPNs. That has a better chance of getting into the genome if it gets in a germ cell or a fetus.