Does your Prov./Territorial Health Website have a "REPORT A PROBLEM" Button?
Here is an idea for a quick action we can all take!!
Given Health Canada’s orders to DESTROY old COVID-19 vaccines, we have an opportunity to fill in the gap. Website webmasters likely will not make content changes, but if they receive the Same Request for Content Change repeatedly, they will likely need to pass the topic up the line of command.
Starting with “CONTACT US”…. I found “REPORT A PROBLEM” near the very bottom…
Now the experiment began…
Alberta Health Services has various entryways to COVID and Vaccine info. This might not be the most commonly accessed route, but being that it was still from 2021 it REALLY HELPED MAKE MY POINT - YOU NEED TO FOLLOW MORE CURRENT FINDINGS!!
I was surprised how much of my message I was able to fit into the box… See how much you can fit too!!!
RE: this page:
Now that Health Canada is withdrawing all COVID-19 vaccines, you will have to remove this policy. (See:
AND EVEN IF HEALTH CANADA violates continues to violate its own old pre-2019 Health Products Approval processes replacing them with ones akin to the World Economic Forum's more "agile" policies in its "Toolkit for Regulators" (
and if Health Canada continues NOT requiring hard and fast proof of safety and efficacy,
should the next pandemic-like situations be declared, (see:
Alberta should NOT even consider allowing its citizens to be injected with mRNA-based products. Too much information is coming out from too many countries (like all this from Japan ( to EVER allow mRNA gene therapy products to be implemented onto a coerced population again.
Instead, learn about the benefits that increased Vitamin D levels have when it comes to fighting respiratory and a host of other diseases. Sign up for one of two upcoming Symposia to learn more. (
The sooner you pull your outdated 2021 policy from the Alberta Health Services site, the better. As kids return to school, parents, board officials etc. will be looking for updated information that reflects the current known best practices, not 3 year old recycled Pharma-backed talking points. For more on Conflicts of Interest among Canada's C-19 vax-pushers, please see:
For any government to be seen as the handmaiden of Big Pharma as its citizens die off, is not just poor optics. It is bad policy. Are you aware that since the mRNA injections rolled out, Canada's all cause mortality is RISING, not falling? Are you aware of the correlation between REPEAT injections and INCREASED illness and death? For more counter-intuitive data, visit
We look forward to better information appearing on this webpage soon!!
Consider drawing from these sources - they are being developed independently of the companies that make profits from vaccine product sales: (around the acronym SENSE: Sleep/Exercise/Nutrition/Stress/Embrace
Yes, it is easier to simply cut and paste information from the World Health Organization, the FDA, the CDC, NACI and Health Canada onto the website, ignoring how in some of those cases 50-80% of their operating budges comes from Big Pharma.
But when one considers the stark reality shown here:
and here:
Thank you!!
After pressing SUBMIT, this appeared:
Maybe working from the back end up might be something more of the readers of this post want to try!
At the very least, we educate someone in tech support who just might be curious enough to take a peak at the message between fixing more commonly reported website issues!