David D vs David C - Two Critiques of the Alberta Premier's Vax Views
A clip from August 17, 2024 - David Dickson tirelessly seeking Justice for All while David Climenhaga repeats outdated Mainstream Views - an impassioned plea for more journalist to get "in the know"
On June 17, 2024, Calgary Lougheed United Conservative Party (UCP) constituency association hosted the INJECTION OF TRUTH event (see here and here). A month later, they held a One-on-One event with AB Premier Danielle Smith which included questions from the public.
Obviously, no one person can make everyone happy all of the time.
Some people remind Premier Smith that she has not acted on all the known data re: the provincial response to COVID-19 (i.e. the residual and ONGOING effects of policies around masking, vaxxing, locking down, banning antiviral preventative and treatment therapeutics, etc.) People like retired police officer David Dickson, who takes his oath to protect the public seriously and is doing all he can think of to tirelessly let the government know it is failing to prevent further harms and deaths.
And then there are those like political commentator David Climenhaga, former journalist and former communications director of the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees, and current author of AlbertaPolitics.ca. His criticisms of the Alberta Premier are that she pays any attention at all to data that does not support the views coming out of what some refer to as Public Health (but others see as the Corporate Pro-Vax Propaganda Machine).
Clearly, the big question for the Premier, the Cabinet and all of government as a whole is how to effectively protect lives and livelihoods while navigating between the compelling data shared by those “in the know” and the pointed & powerful reticence continually blasted by those still “in the dark.”
Image Credit: https://stock.adobe.com/ca/images/vector-cartoon-stick-figure-drawing-conceptual-illustration-of-two-groups-of-people-with-loudspeakers-screaming-and-fighting/286891901
David Dickson is a Retired Disabled UK Police Officer, International Privacy & Compliance Advocate, Cybersecurity Consultant, Researcher, and Forensic Investigator.
We profiled him in a previous post back in May 2023 and cited his data on a number of occasions.
Here is a clip of his interactions with Premier Smith, the night of August 17. In addition to the subtitles provided, viewers will also see text of comments added afterwards by David Dickson. These would be his rebuttals to remarks made by the Premier, comments he was unable to make in person, given the short time allowed for each person’s Q & A and the nature of the event, as people heckled him to let others have a turn to speak.
After reminding the Premier of his prior attempts to reach her and after providing recent Alberta statistics, and discussing the current situation in care homes, Dickson got to the matter of concern underpinning his question.
In 2021 Alberta Heath Services was swapping out vaccines and pre-filling syringes (two practices that are not legal).
Dickson asked:
Right now, your Chief of Staff at the Justice Minister’s office is aware of all this and he’s the one who buried this evidence. He’s physically named in an affidavit from a nurse in this province from 2020, that Andrew Boitchenko has seen. He’s seen the evidence. They tried to get me a meeting last year. It was supposed to be set up and it was cancelled. Will you commit to actually setting up a meeting with the police chiefs to have this investigated?
The Premier did not respond to this particular concern and provided no commitment to have this investigated.
The Premier did, however, agree to have someone look into the other issue David Dickson had raised, the one of ongoing quarantines in care homes. Yet, the person she stated was tasked with doing so, MLA Jason Nixon, was one of the “Sky Palace” insiders - a circle of MLAs who violated pubic health orders not to gather. He was one of six who secretly went for drinks together when all other Albertans were banned from meeting. A ‘Rules for Thee but not for Me’ type of thinker! In other words, not someone who could be trusted to truly defend the public interest.
Posting on Twitter after the event, Dickson summarized Premier Smith’s reply as follows:
WAS HAPPY 16.9% overall (over 25% under 1 & 20% under 4) had taken the COVID SHOTS.
WILL NOT ADDRESS GOVERNMENT MISINFORMATION. https://x.com/dksdata/status/1824987119846342968
The conversation on Dickson’s Twitter string continues. Readers are sharing experiences such as
There are lockdowns and mandatory masking right. My 75yo uncle is in lockdown right now in central AB. Was for a while completely locked to his room. Now locked to unit on 3rd floor. Can’t go outside for fresh air!! Finally letting masked visits. Thank you for fighting David
One person shared this video featuring Dr. John Campbell’s talk on official denials of vaccine harm.
In response, David Dickson shared data from his website, writing:
The 14,000 vaccine injured are the ones who didn't die, were able to fill in the forms and have them accepted. How many more don't even know they've been harmed? This number is a drop in the ocean...
David Dickson had previously posted re: the situation in Alberta’s Care Homes and referenced some of the information from this post in the pre-amble to his question to the Premier:
COERCION IS NOT CONSENT. How society was programmed to protect our most vulnerable - TO DEATH. Care Homes are a perfect example of implied consent through coercive processes & the imbalance of power dynamics.
Wash & repeat worldwide from 2020 to 2024 & on. https://dksdata.com/PSArticles.html?0…
In 1961 Stanley Milgram coerced people to do something they would not normally do with; 1. “Please continue”. 65%+ complied 2. “The experiment requires you to continue”. 3. “It is absolutely essential that you continue”. People only pushed back when ‘Ordered’ to comply. 4. “You have no other choice but to continue.” – no one complied.
Since 2020, this psychology has been deployed to ‘Ask’ people to “Save Grandma”; “Test”, “Put on a Mask”, “Do Not Leave Your Room”, “Isolate”, “Take a shot” . ALL WITHOUT INFORMED CONSENT – COMPLIANCE BY COERCION, FEAR OR SHAME.
Entering an Alberta Care Home (or hospital) on ‘Outbreak’ in 2024, and you are greeted by one of the fear inducing “STOP – OUTBREAK” signs.
Misleading signs on Unit doors designed to suggest you cannot enter without complying.
Heavy Closed Fire Doors – to a disabled resident, these are no different than LOCKED DOORS – UNLAWFUL CONFINEMENT (and a fire code violation).
When this sign was challenged i.e. Masks and Face shields could not be forced on Residents or Visitors, the Site Director agreed to ‘change the sign’.
What followed clearly demonstrated the coercive processes & imbalance of power dynamics that Milgram demonstrated so many decades ago. When ‘asked’ to do something by a ‘superior’ authority for ‘the greater good’, people not only comply but become engaged in the experiment. This is defined as ‘Engaged Followship’ (Stanley Milgram).https://dksdata.com/PSArticles?1
Once others are seen complying - Social Conformity rules – fit in at any cost. (Solomon Asch) https://dksdata.com/PSArticles?2
After 4 /12 years of fear & coercion – Voting, Donating and Waiting for a False ‘Profit’ to save them, people are left slow walking to their own doom (Curt Richter). ALL the rats died, waiting to be saved. https://dksdata.com/PSArticles?3
Now we enter Learned Helplesness. "But I am Just one Person, what can I do?", said 7 Billion People. https://dksdata.com/PSArticles?4
Now a population has been Micro Pushed & Behaviorally Primed through Social Engineering. Bombarded daily with programming absorbed through Perception Without Awareness, there is nothing beyond the scope of what comes next – even getting the population to turn on each other. https://dksdata.com/SGArticles?7https://dksdata.com/SGArticles?11
The ‘changed’ signage included a separate piece of paper saying ‘STAFF’ - taped to the top of the “Masks and Face Shields Beyond this Point” STOP sign.
This does NOT EXPLICITLY STATE THIS DIRECTION APPLIES TO STAFF ONLY. Further, it does not instruct staff that they must not obscure their face when dealing with people with cognitive or hearing issue.
To add to the coercive process, a second page is pasted to the CLOSED doors stating “VISITORS: FACE MASK AND FACE SHIELD IS [sic] AVAILBLE”(note the misspelling).
This infers there is a requirement to wear these improper & dangerous medical devices.
Outside these doors is a cart with Masks, Face Shields and more to add to the coercive process.
And once past those illegally ‘Closed’ fire doors… We are back to the worst of the COVID response insanity – still in full ‘FORCE’ in 2024. https://dksdata.com/PSArticles.html?0
One of David Dickson’s key points is that it is not enough for Premier Smith to say that people should check with their doctors whether COVID-19 vaccines are good for them. When doctors themselves do not have access to the preponderance of evidence pointing at how much more RISK these products pose compared to potential BENEFITS, they too cannot provide people with the means to truly provide informed consent. Three years ago, Dickson shared this excellent video on the scope of truly INFORMED consent FREELY GIVEN:
Meanwhile, armchair commentators here in the province, i.e., people without access to and understanding of the data known to David Dickson and to the presenters at the INJECTION OF TRUTH event, criticize Premier Smith as well.
For this Alberta based journalist, information like the runaway all cause mortality rates, the clear correlation between multiple injections and the increased proportional COVID case rate, as well as the data around the “DOSE-dependent increase risk of catching Omicron the more genetic jabs one received” presented by Calgary paediatric neurologist Eric Payne amounted to nothing more than “MAGA lunacy” and “dangerous nonsense”.
Slides from the presentation by Dr. Eric Payne, July 17, 2024 INJECTION OF TRUTH
What else is one to make of Climenhaga’s statement in his August 7, 2024 article on UCP membership numbers other than that he has no clue what Dr. Payne and others were discussing?
make one wonder just how much Ms. Smith’s embrace of MAGA lunacy like the dangerous nonsense peddled at the Calgary-Lougheed meeting is driving sensible conservatives out of the party.
To Climenhaga, “sensible conservatives” would be those who DO NOT “follow the money” to see the collusion between BigPharma and public health. “Sensible conservatives” would NOT, for example, notice that the COVID-19 injections do not meet those definitions we all used to hold in our heads for “vaccines”, i.e. they DO NOT PROVIDE IMMUNITY. According to Climenhaga, “sensible conservatives” would also not pay any heed at all to the conflicts of interest identified between the pushers and the makers of these mRNA injections. One might assume that in Climenhaga’s mind, anyone who goes outside of the Canadian Press/CBC/CTV/Global news bubble is too “fringe” to take seriously. Most likely, Climenhaga’s sources to date have not included the Conflict of Interest series posted by the Canadian Covid Care Alliance. https://www.canadiancovidcarealliance.org/?s=conflict+of+interest
So what were David Climenhaga’s criticisms of the Premier’s comments at the One-on-One event held recently in Calgary Lougheed? It must be noted that he did not personally attend (or listen online). He relied on notes made by the former editor of the University of Alberta student newspaper, The Gateway Katie Teeing (which are reposted here: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1818436845102924184.html and which end BEFORE the public Q & A segment shown above.)
Responding to this comment by Danielle Smith:
“Six per cent are choosing to get the vaccination for their kids,” Ms. Smith said in response. “That means it’s 94 per cent that are not. That says to me that people are smart, and they’re figuring out whether or not it’s right for their kids.”
Climenhaga writes:
Now, however you look at it, this statement is extremely troubling.
It’s bad if the premier is just gas-lighting, making it up for a (mostly) sympathetic audience with the danger in mind that party members could vote for a leadership review at the UCP annual general meeting in Red Deer in November.
Premier Smith obviously feels insecure enough to need to keep things sweet for the people in the party’s base who former UCP premier and Calgary-Lougheed MLA Jason Kenney used to refer to as lunatics.
In Climenhaga’s mind…
it is BAD that in Alberta not MORE people are choosing to have their children receive COVID-19 Shots
Danielle Smith is giving a Smith-friendly audience talking points they will want to hear because she wants them to pass her leadership review in three months.
Climenhaga supports his pro-vax stance by referring to a published study that contains outdated data from the 2020 to 2022 timeframe. At that time, some could argue for the benefits of some of the COVID-19 injections in certain contexts. But since 2022, repeated evidence of the harms following repeated mRNA injections was published. It would be MUCH MORE ACCURATE and RELEVANT, when writing in 2024, to use published findings that reflect the last 24 months, not numbers from 24 to 48 months ago!
Climenhaga wrote:
Meanwhile, in other news, a new scientific study shows the United States could have been spared as many as a quarter million deaths from COVID had all states had adopted the stricter mask and vaccination requirements imposed by the country’s northeastern states between July 2020 and July 2022.
“If all states had imposed restrictions similar to those used in the 10 most restrictive states, excess deaths would have been an estimated 10 per cent to 21 per cent lower than the 1.18 million that actually occurred during the two-year analysis period,” said the study published last week in the Journal of the American Medical Association Health Forum.
This paragraph begs the question - how were excess deaths counted? How exactly did the authors of the study differentiate between “vaccinated” and “unvaccinated
patients given that it became standard to consider injected people “unvaccinated” for 14 days after the shot OR until they had their second dose months later. If people were counted as “unvaccinated” during the period following injection in which MOST OF THE ADVERSE EVENTS OCCURRED, any study that recycles those statistics simply perpetuates MISinformation. And how should one account for all of the excess deaths since the start of the vax rollout? Was the study differentiating between deaths With and deaths From COVID? Absent that information too, it does not hold much weight. I would love to ask Climenhaga what he did to dig into the nature of Alberta’s dubious and infamous standing on the international stage when this data was published:
As fellow journalist Nicole Di Donato reported that Unknown Cause was the top killer of Albertan in 2021, did Climenhaga seek answers? And again in 2022? What about in 2023? Does he know what topped the chart in his own province then?
Climenhaga may not be aware of the difficulties of getting data published when the findings run counter to the “safe and effective” narrative. And yet, many have done so, including Canadian scientists, working diligently to beat the odds and choosing less well known, less compromised publishing houses. Corporate-funded scientific publishing houses, corporate funded/government backed “trusted” mainstream media platforms and news wire services, government funded and backed “misinformation scientists”, vaccine investing tech media (surveillance) giants, have all conspired to keep crucial information off the radar of journalists who still trust the same kind of institutions they once trusted in the 80s and 90s. The times have changed and just like in the case of the United Nations who declared their partnership with big Business already in 1998 (see here) this capture of the agencies of social well-being (like health) by greedy BigCorp has now, thanks to surveillance tech, become pretty iron-clad. We can no longer TRUST the health agencies we once trusted.
In order to move more quickly, to adopt RECENT evidence-based measures that speak AGAINST further injections based on the mRNA platform (whether for COVID-19, for Shingles, for Measles, Bird Flu, Mpox or any other illness) government officials and the general public need to become aware that the MEDIA are acting as gatekeepers and are withholding critical evidence.
Time has not stood still. Think back to all the rave reviews on social media when EVs were all the rage…. all the happy owners of shiny new electric vehicles were tweeting, posting, YouTubing of their joy at their new acquisitions. Now, a number of years later, the shine has worn off. People are posting about range anxiety, about the various lawsuits against EV manufacturers having overpromised the efficacy of these barely tested products. There is talk of overheating when charging, charger malfunction, spontaneous combustion, wretched exploitation of children digging out rare earth minerals, battery disposal issues and much more.
THANKS to the principle of FREE SPEECH, unhappy customers are free to bad-mouth EV manufactures, even to sue them. IMAGINE IF ACQUIRING AN EV WAS TO BE MANDATED WHILE COMPLAINING ABOUT YOUR EV was to be banned. Imaging being considered a lunatic MAGA radical just for pointing out the obvious. Or if a post about an EV charger malfunction could have you deplatformed, fired, jailed or worse.
Like electric vehicles, mRNA products were recently brand new. Unlike EV’s, mRNA products had barely been tested when they were mandated for use. Actually, BEFORE the mandates, there was already a LOT OF DATA pointing at harms of mRNA injections in other countries, or in vetted but yet unpublished studies. All of this was ignored. Because journalists were unaware, paid out, or chose to remain silent.
We in Alberta remember a time when our beloved then Opposition Leader was uninformed enough (and frightened enough of puffed up harm-talk) to advocate for a door to door mandatory injection campaign, naive to how totalitarian and deadly that would have been.
For Danielle Smith to act on the advice of “those in the know” like David Dickson, in order NOT TO LOSE the support of “those still in the dark”, and to STOP ONGOING AND FUTURE HARMS, we need journalists like David Climenhaga to open their minds. It’s time for a paradigm shift.
All is not well with BigPharma in our bodies. That unpopular truth MUST be faced by all.
Here are other journalists who most likely once held mainstream pro-vax views. Then their eyes and ears opened to the new reality in which we find ourselves. Join them. Join them sooner, rather than later please!
Listen in to many of the guests on Talk Nation Radio with Randy Taylor.
Listen in as Rodney Palmer, Anita Krishna and Marianne Klowak testified to the independent National Citizens Inquiry re: issues with censorship in mainstream journalism
Search up WHO related articles by Chris George (Niagara area journalist)
Listen in when former CBC investigative journalist (Fifth Estate) Trish Woods discusses current affairs including censorship, medical tyranny and more.
Learn how mRNA injections function differently than conventional vaccines here, how there is a lot of information OUTSIDE OF THE MAINSTREAM BUBBLE here and see if you can answer the questions put to the Canadian Association of Journalists’ Ethics Advisory Committee re: their accountability when it comes to information censorship in Canada. This when most of government funded, corporate backed media is ignoring the requirement to provide BALANCED not BIASED coverage as per Canadian guidelines collected here.
Subscribe to CanadianShareableNews, a substack that focusses mostly on news stories that are actively censored OUT of mainstream media.
And sign up for regular newsletters from the organization in Canada that represents hundreds of uncensored medical professionals and many more laypeople seeking to satisfy their intellectual curiosity, and to get out of the mainstream bubble when it comes to health information. Contact the Canadian Covid Care Alliance. Reserve a copy of their reference book that will fill in many of the gaps in your knowledge - available in October. Even consider signing up as a member to be invited to regular weekly Round Table Zoom talks with those scientists that you may currently still consider to be non-sensible lunatics. You may well be surprised. Sooner or later, it will be harder and harder for Public Health to continue misleading the public as the data on harms continues to far outweigh potential benefits. We need strong journalists to lead the way when it comes to educating the public without corporate interests at play.