I did find the whole of the 5th International Summit on Youtube and am enjoying it evenings. So many good things said and so many good speakers! Also the Senate hearing was terrific! The leap from Läkarupproret in Stockholm some time ago, when you first appeared on the scenes to yesterdays Senate hearing with the honorary place to the right of Senator Johnson, and first to speak, is just mindblowing. It goes to verify all your tenacious and many faceted good work and to us ordinary lay public understandable opposition against Evil Pharma and other attacks.. God bless you, Jessicar, and your ongoing work, we are behind you and awaiting for more.....

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Thank you for this breakdown.

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The jab experimental mandate was a crime against humanity. Death penalty needs to fall on any who pronounced a mandate. These are murderers.

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My goodness, Jessica, have people stopped paying attention to you after all this work. !5 comments? I wonder whose site the flock is feeding at? Just back from work & surprised. Let's do a search & report! Your presentation was superb & concise; and love your shawl!

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Hi again Joseph, since this FollowingtheCovidScience site is NOT by Jessica Rose, I suggest that you share your praise for Jessica on her site here: https://jessicar.substack.com. I guess I tricked you by using her picture at the top of this page, plus she left a comment for me right at the top. No wonder you thought this was her page. :-) I write this substack as Hannah Luise.

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I should have said that neither Sasha Latypova nor Katherine Watt were invited to speak at the ICS-5 Panel.

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I have heard that they are very much in demand to speak at events these days so maybe they just couldn't come. They have been at other international gatherings earlier in 2023 I believe. For readers who don't know what these two talk about see: https://rumble.com/v3udbi4-sasha-latypova-and-katherine-watt-talking-about-non-regulation-of-non-medic.html - Their work also appears to have shaped former Professor Anthony Hall's thoughts around the big picture from the last few years. See https://anthonyjhall.substack.com/p/genocide-and-fraud

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Maybe, but I'm damned sure they would have canceled anything on the calendar and dragged themselves over broken glass to testify at an event of this importance.

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It is to bad for us that neither Sasha Latypova nor Katherine Watt were invited to speak of their findings.

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site:cbc.ca "national citizens Inquiry": 4 results

site:ctv.ca "national citizens Inquiry": No results found

google search "national citizens Inquiry": 29000 results

Yesterday I did a 'site' search on google, and it did not work. Instead it fed me a handful of 'image' results. So I'm expecting this search technique to be gone fairly soon. The wayback machine will also be shutdown. I recommend archiving anything of importance.

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Thank you! I had not heard of closing the WayBack Machine... that would be a real loss.

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Thank you. I recall it seemed to be self inflicted, as this link describes it. And it's pretty recent.


"They are fighting for "democracy" and against "misinformation". None of which has any relevance to the court case."

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It is all to the good to expose the government corruption and coverup of GOF/bioweapons development/toxic genetic countermeasures. Missing from the discussions sampled however is any clear focus on the systematic indoctrination/exaggeration of the magical attributes of 'novel pandemic illness'. Here is a respectfully submitted addition to your list of worthwhile questions for the 'intellectually curious'. https://pandata.org/position-covid-era/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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Thanks for this contribution. That PANDA article is great!

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Mar 1Liked by Followingthecovidscience

Thank you Dr. Rose for such a deep dive into the information etc. and suppression by the MSM. Your work is appreciated and exceptional. I watched all the presenters at Senator Johnson's conference, however, the presentation by Dr. Sabine Hazan really got my interest. She may have discovered how to be healthy. Her research has determined why Covid was so hard on seniors, why the Covid injections failed and how Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine work. I encourage everyone to give her presentation extra consideration. She managed to get an "Hypothesis" rejected after eight weeks!


Her website:https://progenabiome.com/videos-and-podcasts

This comprehensive interview on Epoch TV is exceptional: https://www.theepochtimes.com/epochtv/dr-sabine-hazan-the-gut-bacteria-thats-missing-in-people-who-get-severe-covid-5140242

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GREAT ADDITION - I will make note of these links. Just a clarification, here is the link to the substack written by Jessica Rose. https://jessicar.substack.com/p/international-crisis-summit-in-washington. I agree that her work is appreciated and exceptional - She is such a pivotal figure. I love how she combines her superb mind for what could be super dry statistics with her passion for humanity!

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Unacceptable Jessica aRose once again to the occasion and looks like she forfeited her sleep to do these several postings. Jessica, I heard of this after work about 6:00 last night. I watched all 4 hrs straight; it was almost magical. Most of my heroes were present presenting; with notable exceptions of Drs Meryl, Peter, Makis, Alexander, Bidle, Trozzi, Tenpenny, S. Seneff, Journalist Sharyl Attkisson and at least a doz more I’ve followed for 4 yrs on this Magical Mystery Tour de Force.

"OMG, even after adjusting your shawl numerous times you still had the energy to put this comprehensive list together which will prove useful." I wrote an email to my send list while watching and even w this info I might only get 1 or 2 comments out of 100 sends. No attaboys even after 3yrs of exposing this to the unbelievably “mass ill-informed”. Yet, truly a "red pill event” which may provide the biggest crack in the dam of mis-, dis-information yet.

My email in part:

NOTE #1). A Midwestern Doctor’s substack: always one of the best these last few yrs. NOTE #2). Senator Johnson in the past, has been rightly or not vilified by the left; however, I invite you to modify your opinion after viewing these proceedings; he is surely becoming a national hero — nobody else is doing it. Rand Paul could have stepped to the plate w a home-run but hasn’t. They are all cowards, misinformed or complicit.

As A Midwestern Doctor states: The red pill we’ve all been waiting for. Once again Senator Johnson remains a hero to all who have been forced to take the shot and for those who have been injured or have died. This panel is simply revelatory as to the negligence, lies and obstruction of those who should have been protecting us resulting in over 20,000,000M deaths and many more times that number of injuries worldwide and growing.

You will also witness RFK, Jr being vindicated for his views which have always been true but marginalized and suppressed for this true American Statesman.

About midway you will hear from Lara Logan whose presentation is absolutely provocative, poignant, pivotal; and a truly prescient condemnation of the legacy press. IT MUST BE HEARD!

Mind, this is a 4 hr presentation and there is simply no way to summarize this for the full effect. In short, it is fantastic trip down the rabbit holes legacy media is way too controlled to venture into. BUT YOU MUST at the risk of losing it all.


Thank you, Jessica: it may all be unraveling in a grand consilliance which in these past decades normally required 3-15 times as long ie JFK & The Unspeakable, MLK, 9/11, Gulf of Tonkin, etc.

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Thanks for your comments. I also cheer on Dr. Jessica Rose for all she does. And thanks for pointing out the Midwestern Doc AND cheering on Senator Johnson. Just to clarify, here is Jessica's substack. https://jessicar.substack.com/p/international-crisis-summit-in-washington I wonder if we should be using the phrase "going down the rabbit hole" when talking about all this evidence-based scientific information and about the psychological manipulation going on everywhere. To me the phrase "rabbit hole", along with "tinfoil hat" is what was being used by the controllers of the mainstream/compromised public health narrative to condemn us. I think we should "come out of the closet" so to speak, or out of the "rabbit holes" and simply TAKE the knowledge OUT INTO THE OPEN. Along the lines of "Woah sister/brother! Where have you been all this time if you didn't already hear this obvious information? Have you been trapped in the corporate media bubble? Well here, let me help you get up to speed on what everyone already knows. Start with this time line...https://totalityofevidence.com. :-)

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The mainstream media liars and whores have always tried to censor politically incorrect Truth and the election of Justie Stalin saw him bribe the CBC and other media source liars bent on their promo of leftist loon insanity. Now the commie pig has started to ban firearms, encourage people to use MAID, attacked pro life people and their organizations, and other nefarious things DICKtators do. As the slime minister of Canuckistan, the people wish him to mimic the birds and flock off.

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I know how frustrated, angry and enraged we can all get when we think about how very preventable all the vax deaths & disabilities, lockdown losses, and societal turmoil would have been had our elected officials NOT followed on this track. It is hard to know where to take the anger. Sometimes, for a bit of comic relief, I check out John Julian's latest impersonations https://www.youtube.com/@johnjulian88 Especially the early ones were very well done. Also, if you can access it on Twitter, this 15 minute explanation of the 'POLITICS OF COMPLIANCE' used by Mao Zedong to mentally reprogram his population pretty much maps out what the Young Global Leaders who graduated from Mr. Schwab's "WEF Academy" have been doing. I hope to find a way to see this outside of Twitter for those with no account there.

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Facebook UK does not allow me to share this Rumble link below! The censorship is ramping up, not down! Interesting.

February 26th, U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) will lead a roundtable discussion titled, “What are Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel Hiding?” Sen. Johnson and a panel of experts will expose the truth about how the COVID Cartel – federal health agencies, Big Pharma, legacy media, and Big Tech – engaged in censorship and coverups. This discussion will also shine a light on the failures and corruption of the global elite and their institutions.


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Mar 1Liked by Followingthecovidscience

This is excellent!

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You are too Dr. and made of good stuff.

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