What is Followingthecovidscience.8b.io?
The purpose of the Website: To allow for readers to access the COMPILATION OF LETTERS, ARTICLES & RESEARCH DOCUMENTS: Following the Science - Documenting the Current State of Affairs of COVID-19 Vaccination in Canada as of October 21, 2021.
The Purpose of the Compilation:
for the compiling of record; spreading of information; amplifying the sidelined voices; questioning the scientific basis of current policies; providing guidance to action or judgement. This compilation focusses primarily on documentation written in Western Canada between August and October 2021 while also referring to the larger national and international context, going back to the start of the declared COVID-19 pandemic. (See: https://r.8b.io/387157/assets/files/1635738508414.pdf)
Additional Purposes of the Website To provide readers with a one-stop shop for our take on the “Top Three Stories of the Week”, for links to the released Pfizer data, to the new independent Canadian Adverse Event Reporting System (caers.info), to simple explanatory videos, to suggested action items, and a series of letters to politicians, employers, members of the media and the general public - letters that others can adapt and reuse for their own work of “being the media” within their circles of influence.
SADLY, this was an inexpensive website maker which has now run out of data capacity and can no longer process additional information. The site will remain static and will most likely come down in October 2022.
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Subscribe to this followingthecovidscience.substack.com to be informed when new posts are added. Additionally, we can be contacted at followingthecovidscience@gmail.com.
Who is behind followingthecovidscience?
A small community of Concerned Citizens situated in Western Canada who are committed to bridging the divide between those who follow public health directives and those who point to other researchers. We now understand this divide as being between those scientists who follow the science and those scientists who follow the science they are paid to follow.
For more info, see https://followingthecovidscience.8b.io/page11.html#header2-2p.
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