ONE Liberal MP's call to investigate "mysterious" neurological illnesses in New Brunswick linked to 39 deaths.
Kudos to MP Jenica Atwin - OPEN Letter meant for sharing to get YOUR MPs & Senators asking questions too!
Note to readers: This is being shared as an Open Letter on purpose.
—> Ask YOUR MPs if they are aware of the post C-19 injection injury stats in your province or territory and if not, why not? Are health authorities not being transparent? Are local doctors STILL not able to report vax injuries? If reported, are any of those injuries related to prion-disease like symptoms?
—> Ask your Senators NOT to let Bill C-293 (on Pandemic Prevention & Preparedness) pass in its current form UNTIL it is re-written to reflect Canada’s pre-2019 drug regulatory environment. Anything that aligns with WEF'-like “agile” regulations demanding LESS safety evidence from the Big Guys at Big Pharm smacks of INTERFERENCE in Canada’s drug regulatory process.
—> Drop MP Atwin a note, letting her know HOW MUCH WE APPRECIATE an MP who is not taking silence for an answer!!!!!!!
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Hello MP Atwin
I am VERY IMPRESSED that you are issuing a call for further investigation into the cases of the many NB residents oddly coming down with and dying from neurological complications since 2021 as outlined in this news article:
It was noteable that the limited investigation that was purportedly done, left out the biggest elephant in the room, the ONE medical treatment that was rolled out nationally prior to the appearance of this "mystery ilnness". Any "investigation" that jumps around and skips over COVID-19 shots is not worth the paper it is printed on.
Given the timing of the onset of symptoms, and the many neurological complications that have been documented world-wide following the onset of COVID-19 mRNA injections, this research article on connections between the mRNA injections and prion disease might be of interest to you:
Canadian computational biologist, Dr. Jessica Rose, has also been looking at the prion+Covid injection connection: Looking up "prion" on her substack leads to many hits, some going back to November 2022.
Another important person who could advise you in this matter is UBC neuroscientist, Chris Shaw. In his sworn testimony to the National Citizens Inquiry (NCI), he stated what keeps him up at night is knowing that over time, we will be hearing more and more evidence around severe negative impacts of the COVID-19 injections and many types of neurological damage. You can hear his testimony from May 2023 here:
In fact, as a Maritimer, you might be interested to know that the NCI, a totally citizen run initiative that spanned the country, actually started out in Truro Nova Scotia. Some of the families of patients who died from the "mystery" brain disease you are concerned about, may be familiar with some of the testimonies given in Truro over 15 months ago. We heard of a number of physicians who, while aware of documented connections between different mechanisms of harm of the COVID-19 injections, were NOT able to report patient symptoms post-injection due to retribution from their medical colleges. This might explain why so few NB physicians are on record with these concerns. In today's Canada, we still have ethical physicians in front of tribunals being stripped of their licenses DESPITE the irrefutable evidence of the correctness of their positions early on. If the existence of the NCI is news to you, blame the mainstream media. It is clear that the Canadian Association of Journalists ethics advisory committee has NOT enforced the ethical requirements of journalists to present a diversity of perspectives on crucial issues. (See this letter from March 2023 for details.) For some reason, our journalists, or their bosses, seem to have been obsessed with a perceived need to "avoid both-sideism" and to consider the requirement to provide balanced coverage a "fallacy". (Source.)
A major revelation that came out during the NCI testimonies was the news of how Health Canada had ramped DOWN the burden previously placed on manufacturers for definitively proving safety and efficacy. This was explained in the testimony by AB lawyer and health regulatory expert Shawn Buckley. While that position may perhaps have been temporarily excusable had COVID-19 turned out to be as harmful as Ebola, by the time Canada got around to looking at the paperwork for COVID-19 vaccines, verifiable infection fatality rate numbers did NOT support the hype, the UK modelling stats everyone quoted at the start were proven completely false, and early data out of Israel, initially looking optimistic, was soon grim. By that time, it was well known that mRNA injections operate differently from traditional vaccines, and should not even have been classified as vaccines. What is extremely worrying is that this lack of accountability on the side of manufacturers, follows exactly the move to more "agile" regulations as per the Toolkit for Regulators produced by the world's largest corporate lobby group - one that counts top CEOs of big Pharma, as well as your Liberal colleague and our Minister of Finance in its inner circle. (For details on how Canada slipped down from its former position of having one of the better regulatory systems to its current situation, see
So it is clear that your task is now multi-pronged:
- looking BACK to see whether there is a connection between the patients suffering from this "mystery illness" and the C19 shots and if so, who to make accountable AND how to help suffering patients overcome the presence of foreign spike protein, DNA and other components in their bodies to save as many of their lives as possible
as well as:
- looking FORWARD to assure the regulatory matters around drug approval are cleaned up AND to ensure that the Senate vote on the Pandemic Prevention and Preparedness Bill (Bill C-293) is halted UNTIL it can be determined whether the Bill in its current form allows the current lax status quo around regulatory matters to be permanently enshrined. If that is the case, the Bill needs to be rewritten and cannot be allowed to proceed in its current form.
Given the utmost importance of the issue you raise I am posting this letter here as an OPEN letter. I hope that in this way, Canadians across the country can reach out to their MPs and Senators and alert them of these issues. Given the recent order by Health Canada to destroy all current stocks of COVID "vaccine products", this is a perfect time to have a nation-wide discussion around what better practices should replace mRNA injections in the fight against the whole class of respiratory infections, novel or not. I invite you and your colleagues in the Liberal Party to take note of the upcoming Vitamin D symposia planned for November 1 & 2. Here you can learn of the many ties between the body's naturally occuring Vitamin D levels and immunity against all manner of infections. Vitamin D insufficiency is so common among indoor dwelling and sun-deprived Canadians. The two repeat events provide Canadians, including MPs with an excellent chance to learn how "less is more". Let's drop the divide of "antivaxxers" vs "provaxxers" and learn that there is no need to continue advocating for Big Pharma's right to push unlimited profits over informed consent and true citizen wellbeing. See: