The NCI is baaaaaack! This time in Edmonton! Asking "Are Children Safe in Canada" (for the second time)
Brainstorming ways to get more eyeballs in front of more livestreams this time around....
citizen organized
citizen run
citizen funded
citizen testimonies
Ten Cities - Three days per city = 30 days of legally sworn testimonies.
This is the largest collection of INDEPENDENTLY GATHERED, legally sworn testimonies from EXPERT and LAY witnesses IN THE WORLD.
And the collection is growing! In Vancouver, the focus shifted from COVID-19 related issues to the wellbeing of children in this country.
Topics in Vancouver included: neurological issues, including from fluoride; psychological trauma, including from parental discord; poor nutrition; insufficient medical care; cell phone overuse; vaccine harms and harms due to transitioning or “gender affirming medical care”; child trafficking and more. Three days were not enough to fully address the issues. So the upcoming Edmonton hearings will pick up on many of the same themes.
To volunteer as a witness, or to volunteer on the ground with logistics (welcome desk, etc.) or to volunteer from a distance (sending out press releases, etc.) contact:
Also, a silent auction table is being planned for the Edmonton hearings. Encourage artisans or businesses to contact if they wish to support this auction event. Free Tickets should be released in the next two weeks for the hearings, or donations can be made at the door as people enter the event. The NCI also plans to have fantastic swag available for sale.
What about this?
Visit any doctor’s offices that have TV screens running in their waiting rooms.
Visit restaurants and sports bars with TV screens.
Check community libraries to see if they have videoconferencing rooms.
Ask a local Legion hall, or similar organizations if they are equipped with internet access and a large screen with speakers.
Speak with local churches - those with high tech media set ups — suggest they simply serve coffee while inviting the community to drop in to view testimonies regarding children, the disabled and others whom Jesus met with compassion
Visit any stores that sell televisions and ask if some of the ones in the showroom could be set to live stream mode … Suggest they also put up a screen in their front window facing the street or the mall and rig up an outdoor speaker so passers by can stop and listen in a while.
and? or?
Hello, I have a suggestion for your consideration.
Since 2023, the citizen-organized, volunteer-funded National Citizens Inquiry has travelled across the country to give Canadians a chance to speak about how government and employer policy decisions have impacted their lives, in particular during COVID.
From March 6 to March 8, the inquiry will take place in Edmonton. It will be live streamed, so anyone with an internet connection and a screen with speakers can listen in anywhere.
Would you be in a position to host one or more days worth of testimonies, letting community members come by on a drop-in basis? We could ask three locations in town, and advertise ONE for EACH of the three days. Many of our seniors do not have internet access and might not even have heard of these hearings. Despite multiple invitations, the CBC only sent one journalist out for one half day. The other mainstream media have continued ignoring these valuable opportunities to report on what Canadians have been experiencing and testifying about. If you choose to open your door to these hearings , that would be a helpful way to get this information out to the people of Canada.
To set the stage for the three days of hearings, please tune into this roundtable discussion:
Shawn Buckley is one of the main lawyers taking witness testimonies across the country. His three guests at this roundtable include an ON Professor of Law, a former Ethics professor also from Ontario and a BC lawyer. This will be streamed here:
The same link will be used to stream the hearings as well.
An incredible team of volunteers clips each testimony, transcribes and translates the words spoken to ensure that are all available in both English and French. This ensures a high-quality resource that can be accessed by researchers, archivists, journalists, legal teams and others for many years to come.
Videos, transcripts, summaries and in the case of expert witnesses, their professional presentations and data exhibits, are all packaged and archived on the NCI website, following this layout:
This is only a tiny sample of all of the Vancouver testimonies.
The links to all testimonies presented in each city are found on the home page, under:
Over 30 days of hearings, eight independent commissioners have been voluntarily providing service to Canada. They have been listening to and questioning the witnesses, considering all the data presented and then developing recommendations that are now publicly available in numerous formats.
And in November, 2024 following the Regina hearings that year, the Commissioners issued a Supplemental Report: Commissioners Supplemental Report - National Citizen's Inquiry - Canada's Response To Covid-19.
The NCI has set up numerous Social Media accounts, but there too, censorship has been active. Those social media companies owned by investment chains that also invest in pharmaceutical companies promoting mRNA injections, for example, often took down testimonies that touched on vaccine harms.
Rumble has been the most robust of the un-censored platforms. That explains why the NCI has a greater presence on Rumble than on YouTube.
This is an image only. To access all these buttons directly, please visit
Here is an idea that local groups can undertake. Name a few NCI Ambassadors to sit at tables in local markets, in busy malls, at community events, etc. See:
Only the Tech Crew and Conference facilities are paid for. All others involved with the NCI are doing so as volunteers. To raise funds for the costs of holding the hearings, local committees organize fundraisers. The next one will be held near Edmonton. Share your ideas for NCI fundraisers in your community here:
Donations are accepted via cheque, e-transfer, credit card or Give Send Go here:
Additionally, the daily opening and closing statements have been typed up and will be made available for sale in a coffee table book format. Pre-order your copy here:
To hear a sample Opening Statement, click on the first link in the list of testimonies from any city. You will soon understand why this collection has heirloom quality!
Sign up here: This will allow you to stay informed when new testimonies are posted, or when the Light on the Hill becomes available, for example!
Both the organizers of the Lethbridge People’s Town Hall and the Calgary Injection of Truth event have invited the NCI to speak directly to their audiences.
in addition to speaking about the Natural Health Product regulations in Canada, Shawn Buckley will also be available to answer questions about the NCI when he addresses the People’s Town Hall in Lethbridge, AB. Tune in at 7 pm on February 18 and send in questions via Zoom. Previous Lethbridge speakers can be heard here.
To listen to the Injection of Truth event from a distance, the cheapest way might be to set up a viewing part of 10 friends and split the cost, chipping in $5.00 each.
If anyone has an idea for an event that could include a presentation on the NCI, please contact
THE PETITION to express support for an independent, citizen-led and citizen-funded national inquiry into Canada’s Covid-19 response!
So far over 77,000 Canadians have signed to indicate their support of the work of the NCI. See:
Work with your local T-shirt print shop to make up T-shirts to give away as prizes, gifts, or wear yourself….
This sends shivers down many backs, and often has people running for a box of tissues! (It was produced using COVID-19 related testimony and does not yet reflect the switch for Vancouver and Edmonton to the focus on Children’s wellbbeing in Canada.)
Lots to learn!!