Chilling Implications for Public Policy in the Post-COVID world
Not to be ignored -- just a few of the testimonies to the 24 day National Citizens' Inquiry into Canada's Covid-19 measures
Updated on July 11. Link added to a more recent interview with lawyer Catherine Christensen (Story #1)
Attention all public policy makers — election candidates, politicians, municipal decision makers, employers, financiers, and every ordinary citizen… this brief summary of only a few of the expert testimonies given at the National Citizens’ Inquiry into Canada’s COVID Response cannot be ignored. Each one has a major impact on public policy:
“Truthfully the Canadian military right now is out of business”
“We should have 100,000 military and reservists. We are down to about 40,000 people right now. .. we might need to go back to WWII to find a comparable hit … Without question we lost the cream of the crop of the CAF [Canadian Armed Forces] with this mandate. These were the people who had what it took to say ‘this is not a lawful order’. "
Lawyer and founder of Valour Law, Catherine Christensen testified to the National Citizens’ Inquiry on behalf of 360 members (and former members) of the Canadian Armed Forces. Speaking under oath, she outlined the grim situation in which the CAF find themselves these days. With a Chief of Defense Staff who pushed hard for a 100% compliance with the government’s COVID-19 vaccination mandate “to set an example”, an incredible number of Canadian forces members are missing from the ranks. Early retirement, discharges of those who chose not to comply, thereby aborting their careers in the military along with vaccine related disabilities and death are the four reason our military is in peril these days. Have had ZERO CAF personnel dying from COVID-19, the super healthy members of the military were coerced into accepting a substance with detrimental effects that were already KNOWN for months prior to the enforced mandates. Christensen explained that military personnel are prohibited from critiquing any government measures in public. She spoke as their voice sharing some gripping and poignant stories she has been privileged to hear from the members of the military who had reached out to her.
As she told the inquiry commissioners, Canada was known for having people on the ground who could think for themselves. This is in contrast to the US forces’ reputation for shooting first and asking questions later. Canadian forces could go from firefight to peacekeeper in an instant. Now it is almost to the point where we need to start over. … She also explained that there is now an extreme lack of trust in the leadership. “A military cannot run without trust.” (Ms. Christensen can be heard speaking in an interview here and giving her sworn testimony here.)
→Consider the implications for Canadian public policy: What does this mean for the defence of Canada should that ever be needed? What is the point of continuing involvement in Ukraine for example, if we have insufficient qualified personnel to engage in the consequences of supporting NATO expansion right up to Russia’s borders? Financial support was already dismal for CAF members returning home with mental and physical disabilities before COVID-19. With so many more walking wounded (due to vaccine injuries) how is the Canadian government going to ensure proper compensation - i.e. suffiecient to cover life long specialty medical treatment, income replacement and support of dependents, etc.? It is clear that Canada’s Vaccine Injury Support Program is already grossly underfunded and insufficient to cover the needs of vaccine-induced disabilities. Given that the Chief of Defense Staff pushed “above and beyond” the vaccine uptake targets suggested by Public Health, should the military not also offer additional medical support payments? How will the government deal with fewer living taxpayers to ensure sufficient funds to finance the needed medical and additional financial support injured service members will require due to the proof of vaccination mandates all around the CAF?
For an update on the progress of a lawsuit on behalf of these members of the military, please see
For a more recent update now that the lawsuit on behalf of 329 military personnel has been launched please see:
“This is bias, it is not science. I am shocked at the degredation of science in general.”
Dr. Denis Rancourt is a physicist with an extensive background in statistical analysis and modelling. In his testimony to the National Citizen’s Inquiry, he discussed the statistical features in the data on US all cause mortality that point to causation by the COVID-19 vaccines. He shared a detailed review of the data points to clear causal relationships between 300,000 casualties in the USA and the Covid injections. There are now 1250 peer reviewed studies showing vaccine harm aka vaccine-induced pathologies. Many of those harms occurred in exactly the same vulnerable groups— fragile elderly and pregnant women— which were excluded from the Pfizer trials. Given that there was no proven safety for those groups, governments had no backing for the claims of safety they used when promoting vaccination for these demographics.
Dr. Rancourt explained that Canada is one of the handful of countries (those with the highest uptake of COVID-19 injections) that has a markedly higher all cause mortality rate in 2022. In other words in those countries, it was COVID-19 vaccination that clearly caused more mortality than the illness itself. When discussing statistics showing an immediate peak in death counts for two days from the time of injection, he referenced government statisticians: “Any trained statistician can do this, but for some reason they don’t want to see it. The data leads you to concluding things like there was no pandemic and vaccines cause death and they don’t want to see that.” The reference to there having been no pandemic is not COVID-denial, simply a statement that much of we were told about the virulence of the various variants and the risk of mortality for the various age groups was not borne out in the data. What is most stunning from Dr. Rancourt’s testimony was how he and others have calculated 13 million deaths worldwide that can be attributed to none other than the COVID-19 vaccine injections.
He also explained how the supposed virulence figures for the different variants were generated and adjusted while at the same time the mortality rates were exactly correlated to the vaccine rollouts. As a result, any reporting on virulence of variants earned this remark from him: “I think it is garbage science.”
Another aspect Dr. Rancourt looked into was an increases in all cause mortality prior to the availability of COVID-19 vaccines. With the repeated lockdowns of all industries, he pointed to a marked spike in the mortality of young men in Alberta, repeatedly prevented from doing their work in the oil patch for example. This can presumably be attributed to increases in drug overdoses, suicides and accidents and stood out more than deaths of COVID in that segment of the population.
(An excerpt of Dr. Rancourt’s talk can be heard here, with his full testimony posted here. Here is an interview done with Dr. Rancourt regarding his testimony. Dr. Rancourt has posted the book of evidence he submitted to the NCI on his extensive website.)
→Consider the implications for Canadian public policy: What will be the lasting consequences if people cannot trust government messaging moving forward? The deep contrast between government “narratives” and real world data is becoming more widely known among Canadians (and internationally). Likewise, what will come of a lack of trust of government statisticians (and all other government employees) to provide accurate, thorough and timely information to the general public, i.e. if privately operating scientists and analysts need to demonstrate to the public what government employees should be doing and are not? What will it take to have those members of the media and those politicians who up till now remain firmly convinced of the “garbage science” around COVID-19 vaccine “safety and efficacy” start looking at the real world data presented by expert analysts like Dr. Rancourt? What can possibly be the effect of the “disappearance” i.e. death of 13 million people over multiple countries and 30,000 missing people (because of COVID-vax-induced deaths) in Canada within a relatively short time frame?
“This is how the government reports case by vaccination status and they use data collected since December 14, 2020. Now that immediately raised a bell because on December 14, 2020 next to no Canadians were fully vaccinated.”
Louise MacDonald has had to track large numbers of data in her supervisory role in the retail industry. She experienced a vaccine related injury in 2015 which caused damage to her kidneys. As a result, she has made it her business to keep a close watch on Health Canada’s vaccine related webpages ever since, especially once it became known that the same component that harmed her (polyethylene glycol aka PEG) was contained in the COVID-19 vaccines. In her testimony to the National Citizen’s Inquiry she highlighted how the slogan re: the “pandemic of the unvaccinated” was arrived at.
When news reports claimed that more people hospitalized with COVID-19 were unvaccinated than vaccinated, most of us would have assumed this statement was derived from headcount in hospital beds on any given day. Yet this is not what Health Canada used.
Louise MacDonald shared a number of slides including this one showing that by May 27, 2021 95% of Canadians had not yet had access to COVID vaccines.
Yet Health Canada’s count of “Unvaccinated” patients goes back to December 2020. Deriving counts of “Unvaccinated” Canadians over 21 months going back to WHEN MOST CANADIANS DID NOT YET HAVE ACCESS TO COVID VACCINES to get at the high number of COVID hospitalizations of “unvaccinated” patients completely overinflated the numbers.
By September 2022 it was abundantly clear that so many more COVID hospitalizations were occurring in those who had two or more injections (and were thus considered “fully vaccinated.”)
So then, instead of changing any messaging, Health Canada (and all provinces/territories) promptly removed vaccination status from their public data dashboards.
Ms. MacDonald looked into data Health Canada published on each of the approved vaccines, pointing out the various reassurances that COVID-19 vaccines were rigorously tested and proven to be “safe and effective.” She also shared reporting data from Health Canada’s adverse event reporting system which in effect provides evidence of a clear LACK of safety. She showed how from week to week or month to month hundreds of adverse event reports were added to a growing list of categories.
Then, in August 2022 MacDonald noted that many adverse event reports were being REMOVED from the reporting system.
At one point in time Health Canada shows ONE serious adverse event for every 2, 715 doses administered.
Health Canada was still adding adverse event report totals to the February 2021 timeframe, nearly 14 months later, showing one serious adverse event in every 1,967 doses administered. All this time (and continuing to today) the public health messaging continues to state that COVID-19 vaccines are “safe and effective.”
For the Johnson & Johnson product, the rate of serious adverse events was even higher.
Thanks to the National Citizens’ Inquiry, Canadians can hear this type of valuable testimony and have citizen data detectives help the rest of us make sense of what was in plain sight all of this time.
→Consider the implications for Canadian public policy: Given the huge delays and what appears to be data manipulation coming from Health Canada, how much trust will Canadians have in any of their government institutions? How do Canadian public officials, employers, journalists, coaches, science advisors … move forward in their careers living with the guilt they carry for having pushed so many Canadians into taking these injections once the full extent of their actions become obvious (i.e. once the people they love and care for succumb to vaccine injury, permanent disability and death)? So far, as of May 27, 2023 over a dozen heart wrenching testimonies have been posted on the National Citizens’ Inquiry website and here with many more to come. See also the publications on vaccine injuries and death by oncologist Dr. William Makis and Media & Communications professor Dr. Mark Crispin Miller. Also be aware of the findings on adverse event reporting published by the independently run Canadian Adverse Event Reporting System (CAERS).) How can the federal Liberal party move ahead with its plans to continue mandating COVID-19 “vaccination” for all public servants in light of the known science in this field?
There are so many other testimonies given at the National Citizens’ Inquiry that have MAJOR implications for public policy. Please educate yourself, for example on matters presented by the following small selection of speakers (either by viewing the full testimonies shown below or by looking for interviews and excerpts here.)
a) embalmers like Laura Jeffery, Michael Vogiatzakis and Michael MacIver, who report distinct abnormalities in the bodies and death patterns of the deceased ever since the “vaccine” rollout.
b) Queens University Law Professor, Dr. Bruce Pardy, on the devolution of our society from a democratic to an administrative state - in that increasingly legal frameworks are passed by elected officials, with the details added in later by those who are more apt to be influenced by corporate lobbying.
c) Former Wall Street financial analyst, Edward Dowd is the author of "Cause Unknown" and shares the data behind unexpected increases in death and disabilities particularly in the working age population since 2021.
d) Former UBC neurology researcher Dr. Chris Shaw who explains the disease progression for neurological disorders and how the actions of vaccine-induced spike protein in the brain will be a disaster in the making for many as they deal with further complications from the COVID-19 vaccine’s ability to cross the blood brain barrier. We will need so many more nursing homes and other care programs for patients with neurological disorders like Lou Gehrig Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, early onset Alzheimers and more…among working aged people, with fewer working taxpayers needing to support many government programs.
e) Canadian investigative journalist James Corbett lives and reports from Japan. He addressed the topic of the World Health Organization’s plans for global pandemic preparedness and pandemic management. He provides an insightful and chilling explanation of the ease with which corporate-backed globalist organizations would be able to manipulate data in order to implement an ever growing scale of pandemics, climate emergencies, etc. etc. and how they would enact and enforce binding strategies over the heads of national governments. There are lots and lots of implications for public policy here, including the ever-growing call for Canada to #ExittheWHO! Those whose have been following a decidedly one-sided news diet might find the wealth of information presented here very new, unfamiliar and frightening. Yet as policy makers, it is imperative to be well rounded in your own education of current events.
f) Another potentially unfamiliar and frightening expert witness who should not be ignored is former United States Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and investment banker Catherine Austin Fitts. She explains the need for the global financial system to “reset” itself every 70 or so years as issues with currency devaluation and money supply become obvious… remember the post-WWII Bretton Woods agreement to take various currencies off the gold standard? (This is a topic some readers may have heard in high school Social Studies class!) Catherine Austin Fitts guides listeners through the thinking of government and private pension plans & insurance firms who suddenly realize they will by far not have sufficient money to pay out all the life insurance claims and pension benefits that the aging population has come to depend on…this need to reduce payments by potentially reducing the number of payees PRECEDED the COVID-19 crisis by some years…. the implications of this dilemma are positively chilling and must be heard directly.