
Celebrating an important Book Launch with Dr. Pelech & Dr. Shaw

A comprehensive 2-Volume peer reviewed analysis of the COVID-19 Pandemonium meant for sharing widely.

BREAKING NEWS…(Shared by Dr. Steven Pelech on November 20, 2024)

I have been informed by Skyhorse Publishing that the CCCA book on Amazon is “#3 in Vaccinations, only beat by The Real Anthony Fauci and The Vaccine-Friendly Plan.  Amazon is offering a 35% discount. That's usually something they do for top sellers!

When I went to the Amazon website for new releases (https://www.amazon.com/gp/new-releases/books/4656/ref=zg_b_hnr_4656_1), the printed hard copy book is now listed as the #1 new release in "Diseases & Physical Ailments Health” today, and the #7 in the Kindle edition. The next hardcover book in this category is ranked #17, and all of the other releases in between are paperbacks, audiobooks, and Kindle versions. This is a fantastic start out of the gate for our book.

Today Amazon is now selling the book with a 36% discount for CDN$31.99.  


Yesterday, Sarah Musavi, PhD, Health Coach welcomed Dr. Steven Pelech and Dr. Chris Shaw to a heartfelt conversation on the eve of their long awaited book launch. This morning, she posted the video recording on her YouTube channel, where it lasted a few hours before being pulled.


YouTube is an awfully slow learner. It still has not learned that Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine are actual proven treatments. My hunch was that it was mention of these two that triggered the removal. They are still listed as major no-nos alongside of turpentine, gas, diesel and kerosine. Or coffee enemas!!! https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/13813322?hl=en#zippy=%2Cguaranteed-treatment-misinformation%2Charmful-substances-practices-as-treatment-methods

But then Sarah sent me the message YouTube sent her. Apparently the problem was identified in the very first few syllables of Chris Shaw’s chatter at the front of the recording BEFORE the actual Book Launch talk started!!

Certainly it didn’t take much human or automated effort to bet beyond the FIRST SECOND of the recording!!

We decided to post a back-up copy of the interview in this substack, to ensure that people can still listen to the valuable discussion from this location as we brainstorm how to speed up YouTube’s learning curve!!! (Good luck!!)


Over to Sarah:

We had an insightful discussion about what is to come in the near future if we do not empower ourselves with unbiased information.

Drs. Steven Pelech and Chris Shaw are both University of British Columbia professors. They are also co-chairs of the Scientific and Medical Advisory Committee of the Canadian Citizens Care Alliance (CCCA) and senior editors and authors of two new books about the COVID-19 pandemic.

Their first book, “Down the COVID-19 Rabbit Hole: Independent Scientist and Physicians Unmask the Pandemic” presents a scientific overview of the SARS-CoV-2 and related viruses, and the effectiveness of public health measures such as quarantining, masking, ventilation, vaccines and treatments to confront them. The book features introductory chapters to the scientific method, viruses, vaccines and the immune system.

What stood out for me in 2020 and early part of 2021 was that in the time spent waiting for the C19 vaccine to show up, nobody was taught how to prevent infections, improve their health, reduce obesity, eat healthy food, fresh air, exercise, habits or supplements or the existing remedies for flu.

And very rightly, the book talks about the often overlooked consequences of fear that was being slowly injected through media and slowly ramped up messages from the govt, which started off as “there will be a vaccine available for those who choose it" to "those who refuse the vaccine will be a threat to the society".

How did we as an educated population ever agree to this level of control?

Dr. Pelech and Shaw talk about the science of fear and how that must be something that people should be mindful of when being exposed to messages? What resources should they consider when faced with fear?

Remember, fear uses up a lot of energy from the brain.

The mask does not help with reducing your exposure to any virus because we live with viruses on our bodies but what it does is reduce your ability to have enough oxygen to combat the pathogens and it also tells the world that we need to be in fear.

Let's take the mask off and talk about what makes us uncomfortable and welcome dialogue so our children grow up confident and courageous. Relationships are not built on silence, but they are built with connection and trust through the power of our words and actions.

Get the book and educate yourself to empower your health and of your children

Labelling scientific dialogue as misinformation is the most unscientific methodology, so let's get back to good science and keep it unibaised. Ask questions. answer questions. Stop taking things personally. Stop assumptions. Live a life of courage and health.

Its a fact that nature is in us and we are part of nature. the more we isolate, the more we create disease.

Cancer is literally a manifestation of an isolated cell trying to create a community, so let's not blame our genes for manifestation of diseases, but let us change the environment that creates conditions for diseases to take shape.

Weeds grow in infertile soil that is devoid of minerals and water. Similarly, cancer cells, depression, diabetes, obesity and heart disease or for that matter any chronic disease grows in a body that is devoid of nutrition and is in fear.

The choice is yours. Welcome dialogue and crush fear right from the word get goi. Get back into a calm parasympathetic nervous system that is not in fight or flight. All diseases will just have no condition to grow.

What do you need to do to change your state from a disease promoting to health thriving?

The second book,

should be available for purchase in January 2025. Please see http://www.ekstasiseditions.com

It’s Time to Break The Silence on Science

Science has to be unbiased and must entertain dialogue instead of control

Yeah, tell that to YouTube!!

Please invite others to hear this interview where you can!