Alex Boyd's article on Jamie Salé is helping crack open the window of approved discourse on the C-19 vax
How independent voices and "misinformation gurus" are shoving the Overton Window in opposite directions
This post was in draft for nearly a month. The social media fuss about whether or not Alex Boyd should or should not have written about Jamie Salé ’s change of views on COVID-19 mitigation measures has died down. But the issues are still essential, especially considering that we are now 3 years into the official declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic AND mainstream media is still not adhering to the Ethics Guidelines that govern their profession. Valuable life-saving news is NOT being covered. All the kerfuffle about Ms. Salé never ONCE actually mentions the names of the experts she interviewed. When will people get to know that those experts and Jamie Salé are better informed on the issues than the so-called “misinformation experts” who keep trying to deflect messaging critical of these unsafe and ineffective products?
“No Longer Sweetheart Worthy”?
I listened with interest to the interview that ran on Edmonton’s CBC Radio Active on February 10, 2023 featuring Jessica Ng’s conversation with CBC Sports Writer Shireen Ahmed. Their topic? Canada’s (former) sweetheart.
Former figure skater Jamie Salé achieved the pinnacle of her sport by winning Olympic gold in 2002, but more recently her beliefs in her personal life is what's getting all the attention now.
Ng and Ahmed discussed both the recent article by Toronto Star’s Alex Boyd: Jamie Salé was Canada’s sweetheart on ice. Now the Olympian is championing something darker (recaptured here) and Ms. Ahmed’s subsequent piece entitled “It's better we know what Jamie Salé thinks now, than simply admire her for Olympic accomplishments” The general theme of both articles was encapsulated by Ms. Boyd: The figure skater has seen her social media presence grow exponentially during COVID. She says she’s looking for truth. Many don’t agree.
In her writing about Boyd’s article on Salé’s past and present, Ahmed makes statements such as:
it would seem as if these sports figures are using their public personas and trust to disseminate information that has upset a lot of folks, and that many experts easily challenge.
Perhaps we might never truly know what active athletes believe until they retire and then get ambushed with opinions or perspectives. But can we afford to be naive about athletes when we love them? We have the right to know about them in a way that is nuanced and relevant. Particularly when their behaviour is no longer sweetheart-worthy.
So exactly what about Jamie Salé’s “behaviour” is “no longer sweetheart-worthy”?
For this we take a peek at Alex Boyd’s article:
According to Boyd:
Salé has questioned, without evidence, the safety of vaccines, tweeted memes that seemed to support military tribunals and appeared to compare Justin Trudeau to Hitler. To be blunt, most Canadians would find Salé’s stance appalling. Most, but not all. The ideas she espouses are consistent with a growing movement, born of cherry-picked data, conspiracy theories and the opinions of scientists rejected by their peers that rose to new heights during three years of pandemic public health measures and isolation.
Boyd explains:
If Salé’s words come as a surprise to you, you’re not alone. They would be a shock even to the Jamie Salé of 2020 who, by her own admission, whiled away the first pandemic months wearing masks and worrying about the spread of disease, even, as she told one podcaster, lecturing her ex-husband and former skating partner on the importance of social distancing.
She has been called a “lunatic” and a “bigot,” she acknowledges. Nevertheless, her Twitter following has swelled seven-fold.
And now, she has her sights set on creating a new media company — a project meant to give voice to her version of the truth….
The Star also spoke to former friends and associates who painted a picture of a rapid shift in priorities that took many of them by surprise, and of a woman who has chosen a new ideology over old friends and loved ones. …
What is undeniable is that she’s riding a wave of anger and distrust of power in a polluted information stream. She’s on one side of a divide that seems increasingly hard to bridge, and deals with the very nature of truth, lies and the threat posed by a global pandemic.
If sacrifice is a measure of faith in the cause, Salé has the marks of a true believer. She told a podcast host in August that while her marriage had been shaky before, her new views were a contributing factor in a separation from her second husband, Craig Simpson, a square-jawed left-winger who played 10 seasons in the NHL.
Former friends no longer speak to her. She’s been called every name in the book. Yet her conviction appears unshaken.
Boyd tells her readers that at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Jamie Salé did all she could using her celebrity status to support the push to conquer the virus:
In May 2020, just months after the first case of novel coronavirus was confirmed on Canadian soil, Salé posted a picture to Facebook in which she and Simpson, her husband, beam in matching black T-shirts, the words CONQUER COVID-19 blazed across the fronts.
The shirts were sold as part of a celebrity-endorsed fundraising project to buy masks and gloves for front-line workers.
In the caption of the image, posted to Salé’s Facebook’s page, she praised the “amazing initiative” and urged her followers to buy their own.
Then, unaware of the great service she is providing to Canadians, Alex Boyd ACTUALLY SHARES THE THOUGHT PROCESS of someone who went from ENDORSING the public health messaging to QUESTIONING it. In the case of Jamie Salé, the unusual PUSH to UNIFORM ACCEPTANCE of ONE SINGLE MEASURE was what raised a red flag. (The bolding below is added by me, not by Boyd.)
But something began to change, as that first pandemic summer turned into fall. As Salé would recount on podcasts, a lifelong suspicion of the medical field began to give way to suspicions about COVID.
For many, the rollout of the first COVID vaccines to grey-haired nursing home residents was joyous. To Salé, the shots seemed to mark the beginning of a new societal divide. As she tells it, the issue wasn’t just about vaccines but the insistence that people get one.
A turning point seems to have come when a young family member insisted on getting a vaccine, over Salé’s objections, after being excluded from a social event. People around her argued that remaining unvaccinated wasn’t worth not being able to fly, or eat out, or sit in the stands at a hockey game. The measures had been put in place because the majority of public health experts argued they’d encourage more people to get vaccinated and ease pressure on the health-care system. But Salé saw nefarious intentions.
“I said, ‘is that not a red flag? Like, why is this you have to get it — or else? Why is this not freaking you out?’ ”
Salé questioned the coercive nature of public health messaging - which rapidly went from telling us all to do our parts by staying at home for two weeks “to flatten the curve” to consenting en masse to having an unknown and incompletely tested substance injected into our bodies. AND to making it suddenly OK to EXCLUDE those who harboured hesitations from participation in society. Many Canadians at this point shared this line of questioning… when ever before has there been this ONE SIDED push for any medical treatment in the past? What about exemptions for those with allergies to vaccine contents? Why are doctors now banned from providing exemptions for people with certain medical conditions? What is going on?
All it took for people at this point in time was to look up Pfizer’s history as the pharmaceutical company with the biggest criminal history of fraud prior to COVID for some to start questioning these measures. Or to listen to news from other countries that were ahead of us on vaccine rollouts (like Israel and Great Britain) to get a sense that all was not well.
But prior to this article by Alex Boyd, readership has never been privy to learning about this line of questioning coming from a major Canadian cultural figure.
In her Twitter comments re: her own article, Alex Boyd wrote:
The journalistic low hanging fruit here would have been to write a hit piece on why all her ideas are wrong and she's bad. But to what end? Everyone's existing biases are confirmed and the current societal divide gets dug a little deeper? … To me, the value of this story is we took the time and resources … to genuinely try to understand the pathway here. This is not an academic exercise--many people have a loved one who has developed some extreme views of late. … But this stuff is complex. More than one thing can be true. We don't shy away from why these ideas are not supported by evidence or potentially harmful. But at the same time, Jamie is a real person with a complicated life, who, by all appearances, believes this stuff…. The aim was to tell a story that was nuanced and compassionate, but clear-eyed about the danger of these ideas. I don't think that's glorifying. I think people are more comfortable with grey areas than we think, and I hope readers come away with a sense of the complexity here.
Not discussed on the CBC radio program with Ng and Ahmed however, is how Boyd’s article is helping shift the Overton Window in this nation of ours.
Shifting the Overton Window
According to Wikipedia, the Overton window, or “window of discourse” is the range of policies politically acceptable to the mainstream population at a given time.
The term is named after American policy analyst Joseph P. Overton, who stated that an idea's political viability depends mainly on whether it falls within this range, rather than on politicians' individual preferences, which might fall outside of the range.
According to Overton, the window delineates the range of policies that a politician can recommend without appearing too extreme in order to gain or keep public office given the climate of public opinion at that time.
So, in 2020, any politician or other public figure who would have spoken out against the push to mass inject the population against SARS-CoV-2, would have appeared too EXTREME to pay any attention to. Even a year ago, when thousands of Canadians converged on Ottawa to ask government officials to actually “follow the science” and do away with vaccine mandates for cross border travel, for federal employees, not to mention for truckers, the mainstream managed to have their fellow Canadians recast not as caring and compassionate, but as “extreme.” By cracking open the window on the “complexity” of the issues to which Jamie Salé alludes, Alex Boyd is slowly, ever so slowly, letting readers within the mainstream media bubble discover that there is much more to this story than first meets the eye.
Back when Jamie Salé was promoting fundraisers for masks and gloves for health care workers, development work on COVID-19 mRNA vaccines was well underway and Nobel Prize winning French virologist Luc Montagnier, along with highly acclaimed German-Thai microbiologist, Sukharid Bhakdi came out of retirement to stand alongside of many other highly acclaimed academic physicians such as French microbiologist Didier Raoult to express their concerns about the development of vaccines for a respiratory virus. Another well-qualified voice speaking out at the time was that of independent virologist and vaccine expert Dr. Gerd Vandenbosche. He had previously worked with vaccines as a part of the vaccine alliance known as GAVI and with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. They were joined by high level physicians who ALREADY UNDERSTOOD HOW TO TREAT COVID on an OUTPATIENT BASIS using a SEQUENCE of ANTIVIRAL AND ANTI-INFLAMMATORY medication that was cheap, safe and readily available. This treatment kept over 85% of people with COVID-19 OUT OF HOSPITAL, and ensured that the majority of those hospitalized were able to recover in short order.
Expressed in simple layperson terms, a few of the concerns voiced by these top researchers and academic physicians were:
everyone who understands the process of microbial resistance (having microbes mutate to evade efforts to eradicate them) understands also the danger that vaccination during a pandemic brings - the surest way to drive further variants is to push the virus to mutate.
despite claims that work on mRNA had been going on for decades, previous attempts to use mRNA based vaccines were few and unsuccessful (not going past the dead lab rat stage).
when a respiratory virus enters the body through the respiratory system (i.e. the nose) and settles in the lungs, it is still far away from any vaccine triggered antibodies that travel in the circulatory system. This was likened by Dr. Bhakdi as having security guards in the basement (blood) while thieves are free to walk into the front door (nasal passages/lungs). There has never been a vaccine against respiratory diseases and to say that this new one would prevent illness would be totally misleading as the virus would settle in the lungs replicating for quite some time before having any contact with circulating antibodies across the blood barrier.
when the vaccine contains the instructions for the body to MANUFACTURE THE SAME TOXIC PROTEIN that CAUSES COVID SYMPTOMS, we are actually promoting more harm than good. The body’s cells which manufacture the toxic protein then become targets for the body’s immune cells as they attack the toxic protein under production. Given that the cells who receive the mRNA instructions are most often those in closest proximity to where the vaccine components go in the body via the blood stream (the cells lining the bloodstream) the effect of the immune cells’ attacks against the toxic spike protein will damage the blood vessel lining, causing both bleeding and clotting.
Everyone involved in stroke prevention research could appreciate the need to AVOID anything that provokes blood clots on a massive scale within blood vessels. Writing under the name “Doctors4Covid Ethics” and starting already nearly TWO FULL YEARS AGO (on February 28, 2021) these international experts issued warning letters to pharmaceutical regulators, governments and physicians alike. See:
With the massive force of fear, media and BigPharma-driven messaging about the “safety and necessity of C-19 vaccination,” it was very difficult for the evidence-based science informed public to push back.
Unbeknownst to all of these experts at the time, patent researchers working with Dr. David Martin had already been noting how applications for patents on various components of both the SARS-CoV-2 virus AND various components of “vaccines” were filed by the agency for which Dr. Anthony Fauci was responsible.
As the graphic above shows, powerful forces aligned across the country and most of the Western world, to push a public health narrative that can be summarized as follows:
SARS-CoV-2 is a “novel” virus, for which there are no cures and which can be carried and spread by those without any apparent symptoms. It is extremely deadly to all age groups and the only protection available other than full on masking, social distancing, and if needed, locking down society, are the vaccines that scientists have been so diligently working on with the help of benevolent government funding. The only way to keep everyone safe is to put a needle into everyone’s arm. And to dare to critique this information is to commit the sin of promoting vaccine hesitancy, which must be avoided at all costs.
This is why family physicians are not allowed to do an individual risk-benefit analysis in your particular case because you must comply. And this is why those who are suddenly finding their bodies acting in weird ways, getting rashes, swollen legs, repeat Covid infections despite being multiply injected with “protection”, suddenly short of breath, unable to climb stairs, no longer able to run, or even walk, facing uncontrollable tremors 24/7, losing their jobs as their sick days run out, standing graveside facing sudden losses too many to count and like never before, are STILL not being featured on mainstream media, since to share their stories would be to further drive vaccine hesitancy, which must be avoided at all costs.
Any public figure, including many a Canadian university professor, who dared mention having read those letters of warning from highly credentialed international experts, was promptly disregarded or fired, and worse, labelled as an extreme conspiracy theorist, since who in their right mind would dare to distrust the government? Who should have the gall to remind people that following the science is a continual, not a static process?
Those media and public policy commentators who believe that “following the science” is a linear process which arrives at an unshakeable conclusion (in this case that COVID-19 is a novel and dangerous illness for which the only answer is the “safe and effective” C-19 vaccine) feel very threatened by those whose approach to “following the science” is circular. Independent scientists not beholden to justifying the original public health narrative, have the courage to look critically at incoming data and to question, re-examine and re-analyze emerging evidence EVEN AT A GREAT COST TO THEIR CAREERS AND REPUTATIONS.
Jessica Ng, Shireen Ahmed and all within the Twitterverse who debated whether or not Boyd should have given Salé’s “dangerous” views any airtime at all, have completely NEGLECTED one of their key ethical obligations as journalists as outlined in the Ethics Guidelines of the Canadian Association of Journalists.
They completely miss how, in their stead, Jamie Salé has opened her platform to provide the much needed and missing in action “disparate” and “conflicting” views to the Canadian public. Her Canadians For Truth Show: Unstoppable Truth is now one of the very few in this country that is giving Calgary paediatric neurologist (expert in kids with brain injuries, epilepsy, etc.) Dr. Eric Payne, and the former nuclear medicine radiologist and oncologist in Edmonton, Dr. William Makis, a means of letting the public know what “following the science” on Covid vaccination has meant of late.
Why has the CBC in its mandate of keeping Canadians informed of current events, NOT invited these two respected physicians to an interview? Why are the current trusted news providers now the platforms given by former athletes Jamie Salé, Theo Fleury, Shawn Newman, or by the tech entrepreneur who invented the optical mouse, Steve Kirsch, or those of former mainstream journalists such as feisty Anita Krishna, Global News director before speaking out, and the former host of the CBC’s Fifth Estate, Trish Wood? Why are viewer supported media outlets like True North, Rebel News, The CounterSignal, and Druthers who were not offered or did not accept federal pandemic bailout funds, seen as radical “far right” outlets expressing “extreme views?” Since when is it “extreme” to ask some common sense questions and expect honest answers from public officials?
What, besides the “Overton Window” (or the fear of “sounding extreme”) has kept Global News and the CBC from running with the countless compelling human interest and public health stories archived on webpages of those in mourning or disabled due to the C-19 vaccines these past 3 years? One example of many:
Why do we need to turn to the website of the lawyers at the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms in order to see documentaries or follow news releases about Canadian issues of national importance instead of to the mainstream media that our taxpayer dollars fund expressly for this purpose?
Why do we need to turn to the journal of Surgical Neurology to gain a comprehensive understanding of what has come across our countries in terms of pandemic response and censorship instead of being presented with throrough investigative reporting which Canadian journalists used to be known for?
Why do friends and coworkers of recently deceased 19 year old Edmontonian Jayden Lopez need to turn to some obscure, unknown website in order to read about his sudden, unexplained death while mainstream Canadian journalists have remained unaware and silent in the four weeks following his demise?
How does Alex Boyd get away with entitling her November 2022 article “Why won’t a debunked conspiracy theory about doctors harmed by the COVID vaccine go away?” when already in October 2020, the FDA had published this list of “possible adverse event outcomes”?
FDA Safety Surveillance of COVID-19 Vaccines:
DRAFT Working list of possible adverse event outcomes ***Subject to change***
Guillain-Barré syndrome
Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
Transverse myelitis
Encephalitis / myelitis / encephalomyelitis / meningoencephalitis / meningitis / encepholapathy
Convulsions / seizures
Narcolepsy and cataplexy
Acute myocardial infarction
Myocarditis / pericarditis
Autoimmune disease
Pregnancy and birth outcomes
Other acute demyelinating diseases
Non-anaphylactic allergic reactions
Disseminated intravascular coagulation
Venous thromboembolism
Arthritis and arthralgia/joint pain
Kawasaki disease
Multi-system Inflammatory Syndrome in Children
Vaccine enhanced disease
Just who has apparently been “debunking” the science that points to COVID-19 vaccine harms? Well the “fact-checkers” of course, and the “misinformation gurus” as well!
Unknown to most newswatchers still inside the mainstream media bubble, Facebook has been taken to court on the veracity of its “fact-checking” and admitted that the rulings by those employed to shut down voices speaking for valid, evidence-based science, are in fact, not working based on FACTS. You can read more about this independent journalist’s interactions with Facebook censors here. And what of the censors at Twitter? This interaction between US Congresswoman Nancy Mace and Vijaya Gadde, head of legal, policy and trust at Twitter is an absolute MUST-SEE in which the censors admit not having the depth of knowledge needed to determine whether Stanford and Harvard educated professors are selling hogwash or not. And they admit having been illegally pressured by more than one government to ensure that the population was prevented from hearing the truth on the C-19 vaccines and antiviral treatments. See this brief video provided for us by Dr. William Makis, who is also currently still being censored on major social media.
Another victim of extreme censoring, Dr. Naomi Wolf also comments on the recent Q & A of Twitter executives.
It is clear that when searching for experts to cite for her articles, Alex Boyd did not speak with those well versed in vaccines, virology, immunology, microbiology or pathology, or with physicians who treat patients presenting with COVID-19, LongCOVID or C-19 vaccine induced adverse events. She appears not to have asked people with such areas of expertise for their take on “vaccine hesitancy” or so-called “anti-vaxxer views.” Medical experts in those fields could have shown her the list of adverse events that PFIZER ITSELF tried to conceal but was forced to make public in October of 2022. This publication alone promptly turns all who still share their belief that the C-19 vaccine products to be “safe and effective” into purveyors of misinformation.
On November 7, 2022, Alex Boyd wrote about Dr. William Makis’ reporting on the sharp rise of sudden and unexplained deaths among Canadian physicians.
The cluster of deaths back in the summer helped kindle what is now a fire — a conspiracy theory that today peddles a list of dozens of doctors online, including the three who died in July, as well as — according to its own descriptions — several who drowned, one who was in the middle of biking 105 kilometres and a doctor who died coming down K2, a mountain deadlier than Everest.
To discuss this matter, a pesky “rumour circulating on social media” that “simply won’t disappear”, she turned to U of A Health Law Professor Timothy Caulfield, who has since been named a member of the Order of Canada “in recognition of his extraordinary work fighting misinformation.” His reaction to the rapidly growing list of sudden deaths among practising physicians?
… Tim Caulfield, the Canada Research Chair in health, law and policy at the University of Alberta who works on misinformation [states] “One of the things that is fascinating is it was immediately debunked, in the sense of ‘No, this is wrong, this is actually how these individuals passed away.’ But that didn’t kill the story.
“It’s amazing how it won’t die — and it’s amazing the impact it continues to have.”
Alex Boyd continued:
… To be clear, experts are united on the fact that this is a conspiracy theory. The causes of death were well documented by family in news stories and obituaries. It’s not clear when they were vaccinated, and, besides which, their symptoms do not match what we know about vaccine side effects from studies on millions of people.
There are those, like Professor of Media Studies Mark Crispin Miller, who have been noting with alarm how many obituaries have been popping up of late, accounts of healthy children, teens, young and middle aged adults dying for no apparent reason in the prime of life, as well as fit and healthy seniors. As an archivist of clear societal trends, one cannot simply wipe away his concern with a pejorative label.
Healthy 19 year olds like Jayden Lopez didn’t used to suddenly die in their beds as frequently as being reported since 2021. Neither did physically fit physicians suddenly drown, drop dead while hiking or have mid-morning car crashes on quiet roadways prior to needing to be “fully up to date” on the Covid-19 injections in order to keep practicing medicine. Nor was it previously considered “normal” for cancer to first be caught in a full-blown Stage 4 state.
It does not take a rocket scientist (or an appointment to the Order of Canada) to compare the apparent causes of deaths (sudden illness, unexplained infection, ultra fast cancer, cardiac arrest, etc.) up against Pfizer and Moderna’s lists of suspected and known adverse events to begin to ask questions, to start analyzing the evidence and to commit to “following the science.”
It only takes an investigative spirit to look at videos by pathologists showing how spike protein following mRNA injection is clearly visible in the body’s cells regardless of which organ. Ditto for slides of red blood cells taken from injected versus uninjected individuals as part of live blood microscopy tests.
There is now a plethora of recent peer reviewed and published scientific studies that outline many different pathways of harm traced to spike protein generated by the mRNA instructions, or any of the other components of the injected products. The drowning, car accident or sudden falls would follow attacks on heart muscles or the related nerves sufficient to stop them from working. Scientists are now investigating the biochemistry behind the nerve impulses that control heartbeat and a possible adrenaline connection.
Instead of claiming that their grasp of a topic is superior, as Professor Caulfield is clearly intimating by his choice of words, conscientious academics should encourage all researchers in every field who are following the scientific process and accept that they continually review new incoming data/information/evidence to arrive at new, revised knowledge of their fields.
The uniformed “fact-checkers” at Wikipedia who claim “The World Council for Health is a pseudo-medical organisation dedicated to spreading misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines and promoting fake COVID-19 treatments.” Ignoring that, and taking just a brief look over the speaker listed at the World Council for Health, one finds talks given by highly credentialed international experts sharing evidence-based information with the general public. One discovers, for example that US Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole and well-known British cardiologist (& former vaccine supporter) Dr. Aseem Malhotra have shared their Peer-Reviewed Paper calling for the immediate and “Complete Suspension” of Covid-19 Vaccine. One may learn how spike protein (generated by the 40 trillion copies of mRNA instructions injected with each dose of the C-19 vax) has been found in almost every type of tissue in the body of these who have suddenly died whenever autopsies have been carried out. Recent findings of spike protein all over cancer tumours are the most recent “nail in the coffin” to the “safe and effective” narrative.
The only way to know for sure whether the drowning, car crashes or fall while hiking were purely accidental or coincidental, would be to press for autopsies. As a professor of health law, it would be completely in Caulfield’s purview to help the families of victims of “sudden death” request autopsies and have the health system pay for a means to stain for spike protein damage to the heart or brain as Dr. Ryan Cole and others have ascertained. The no-brainer way to put an end to these “pesky rumours” of sudden death being connected to the mRNA injections is to autopsy everyone who dies suddenly in unexpected ways.
Boyd’s comment that symptoms do not match “what we know about vaccine side effects” is a telling statement. She likely was referring to the point of view of those within the mainstream news bubble, people who have told to believe the linear conclusion that C-19 vaccines are the only solution. She was definitely not writing from the point of view of the rapidly growing part of the population who is “waking up” to the horrific reality that top executives at Pfizer et al, along with the top echelons of the CDC, FDA, etc. have been keeping data around deaths and injury from the public - data that shows disgusting harms that have been rolled out to unsuspecting humans. Data that would support the hypotheses, that the recent rise of sudden deaths and the definite increase in “excess mortality” across many countries with high C-19 injection rates points at the “dose-dependent” nature of vaccine-induced toxicity.
From the perspective of those aware of evolving evidence pointing to the specific actions of the mRNA injections within the body’s cells, it is the articles written by well-intentioned, yet ill-informed journalists such as Alex Boyd, which promote harm (continued injections) and need to be called out as such.
Alex Boyd claims she is attempting to remain “clear-eyed about the danger of these ideas” (referring to Jamie Salé’s ideas that contribute to her speaking out about the Covid -19 vaccines). She purports not to “shy away from why these ideas are not supported by evidence or potentially harmful.” As well-intentioned as she might be, she demonstrates roughly where this Overton window is situated within her audience. Boyd’s article places her on the “pro-vax” side of the Overton window, pushing against those like Jamie Salé, who dare raise valid concerns. She writes:
Salé’s Twitter account shifted quickly from pictures of families to recirculated memes claiming hospitals are profiting from COVID deaths and that mRNA vaccines are gene therapy. (They’re not.) …
“Sometimes I’ll get the odd person that will give me a bit of their background. They’ll say, ‘Well, Jamie, I’ve lost a family member to COVID,’” she said. “If I see them I will say to them, ‘I’m very sorry that your family went through this.’”
“But in my mind I’m like, ‘They murdered your mother or your aunt or your grandma or whatever, because they went into the hospital and they didn’t get proper treatment and then they got put on ventilators.’ ” …
One of Salé’s former friends sees it a bit more simply. “I think she was trying to find a place to fit, and just got dragged into something that is uncontrollable.”
The claim that US hospital funding has been tied to the numbers of COVID-diagnosed patients has long been substantiated, as well as the pressure from for-profit hospital administrators on staff to include those who died primarily of other causes while testing positive for COVID at some point during the prior 28 days, as deaths BECAUSE OF COVID. Whether this funding connection is/was the case in Canada is not as evident. However, even in Canada, oddities have been noted - particularly that people who arrive in hospital up to 14 days after being injected with a COVID-19 shot were still listed as “unvaccinated” even though the first few days post-vax is the time frame when an immune system overloaded from the effects of fighting toxic vax-induced protein is most vulnerable to new infections, leading to the so-called and incorrectly named “pandemic of the unvaccinated” earlier on.
Boyd’s claim that mRNA vaccines are NOT gene-therapy is patently false. From the beginning, even in a publication guiding Covid-19 vaccine development, the term “gene therapy” was used. Any journalist able to use Google could have found that out. Moderna, when filing to the Securities and Exchange Commission back in March 2019 wrote: “Currently, mRNA is considered a gene therapy product by the FDA” as explained here by top-level US Attorney Tom Renz.
Renz and a whole team of international lawyers are working on legal action against those, like Anthony Fauci, who brought about the deaths of untold numbers of patients. This was done by directing physicians away from the safe antiviral treatment options mentioned above to Remdesivir as the SOLE OPTION. This drug was already identified by Anthony Fauci as LETHAL in years prior. By the time Boyd turned to Health Law Professor Caulfield for commentary for her November article, Renz and his team had been at work for at least a year - information that Caulfield appears not to be following at all, despite his academic position at the intersection of Health and Law.

So when Jamie Salé talks of how patients were murdered by those who knew better, she is not attacking the physicians on the wards of the local town or city hospital but is instead referencing the top-level decision makers, people who by the virtue of their positions would have been privy to information not passed on to the rest of us.
When Salé supports calls for military tribunals she is very likely referencing the recent revelations connecting the US Department of Defense with Covid-19 measures - while looking with revulsion at the horrific tales that countless survivors of C-19 injections are faced with, as well as the depth of human grief, loss, regret and mourning taking place around the planet. Someone needs to be held responsible for this relentless push towards unfathomable harm. Salé belongs to the class of the informed, those courageous enough to overcome their complacency and willful blindness to look clear-eyed at the horrors the mainstream has not dared to approach. If, to advocate for the suffering, she is being called extreme, she is willing to take that risk - AS ARE COUNTLESS OF OTHER INFORMED PEOPLE WORLD WIDE.
One can well assume that Salé was long aware of what former left-wing darling, feminist author and intellectual, Dr. Naomi Wolf had written about the early signs of creeping totalitarism in her seminal 2007 book The End of America - Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot. Wolf points out and Salé notes how our Prime Minister’s actions of invoking an external enemy (the unvaccinated), separating them from the rest of society (via vaccine passports), targeting key individuals for public shaming (like the doctors and pastors who have been pilloried these past years) etc. follow in line with early actions put in place by totalitarian governments like that of Hitler and Pinochet. Uninformed do-gooders shudder without really listening when they shriek that Salé has gone overboard likening Trudeau to Hitler. That the scientifically verified world-wide death count (of reported cases only) is now estimated by credentialed experts to have long since surpassed the 6 million mark is a noteworthy frame for this current discussion. In fact, high-impact Canadian researcher Dr. Denis Rancourt is now sharing best-estimate calculations that are putting the worldwide C-19 related fatality counts at 13 million.
However, talk of potential or actual crimes or malfeasance coming from the top echelons of public health agencies or regulators, or even politicians, is quickly deemed as “misinformation” by adherents of the “safe and effective” narrative, who are now seeing how they are rapidly losing ground.
When Alex Boyd sought out advice and commentary from Timothy Caulfield for her stories re: Dr. Makis and Jamie Salé, she was likely unaware that his only PubMed publication is not so much in the “hard sciences” but is rather of a more social science nature - a publication on Attitudes and Strategies to change Attitudes deemed less than optimal: Attitudes Toward Strategies to Increase Organ Donation: Views of the General Public and Health Professionals.
Alex Boyd was very likely not aware of the existence of the volunteer run (non government funded) Canadian Covid Care Alliance - an organization of academic physicians, researchers and other health professionals - many who have not spoken out publicly as to do so continues putting them at risk of losing their jobs and livelihoods. As a volunteer organization, their social media presence is limited, and their press-releases not yet widely distributed yet their messaging is powerful.
The experts on their Scientific and Medical Advisory Committee have been busy writing letters to the federal health minister, provincial chief medical officers of health, and even to their own university administrations. Most recently, they have had to spend valuable time responding to the claim by members of The Council of Canadian Academies, that CCCA’s materials promote “misinformation.”
CCCA scientific and medical advisors have been vetting communications directed at parents, caregivers, physicians and the general public on topics such as Stop the Shots in Kids and The Blind Spot in Covid-19 vaccination - Underreported Adverse Events as well as The Prevention and Early Treatment Guide for COVID-19.
They have given interviews to discuss myocarditis and the vaccines; the five fatal flaws in the study used by regulatory agencies to approve use of the Omicron boosters for Canadians; BigPharma and vaccine conflicts of interest; and natural versus vaccine-induced immunity to Covid-19. As well, they have given a voice to those rendered voiceless by the mainstream - the vaccine injured, by means of last summer’s three day long Citizen Hearing which can be accessed here. (Have you ever heard of this pivotal event on mainstream media?) Additionally, the Canadian Covid Care Alliance (CCCA for short, one more C than the CCA which authored the aforementioned review on misinformation) has supported two additional initiatives for those with vaccine injuries - those pro-vax Canadians who did as the government directed and rolled up their sleeves, only to find their lives drastically changed as a result.
The Canadian Adverse Events Reporting System (aka CAERS)
The team of Canadian health care professionals known as CC Telehealth
Over time, as independent media and evidence-based science informed politicians diligently pursue major players in BigPharma and among the regulating agencies, these individuals are forced to reveal the amount of misinformation they have been propagating amongst the public. Increasingly, expert and citizen volunteer organizations are being formed and are pushing the Overton Window back from full-scale vaccination/booster efforts.
When one compares the number of Canadians who took 2 doses of C-19 vaccine products with those who took 3, one sees that far fewer Canadians are pushing the Overton Window toward Covid vaccination at this point in time. Many more are now sharing information to push the window back to where it belongs - vaccination should be a medical intervention that should truly be “safe, necessary and effective” taken voluntarily by those who need it and who have been correctly informed of all the risks and benefits of taking it against the risks and benefits of choosing to forego it.
When even more Canadians are informed enough to understand the need to push back against these vaccines, then the rhetorical question in the title of Alex Boyd’s article on physician deaths: Why won’t a debunked conspiracy theory about doctors harmed by the COVID vaccine go away?” will be replaced by…“When will the debunked conspiracy theory about ‘safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines ‘go away?”
And then, instead of referring to Jamie Salé as no longer “sweetheart-worthy” Canadians will once again see her - along with the many others speaking out on the side of evidence-based medicine despite the costs to their reputations - as the greatest sweethearts of all.. the type of people who put their lives on hold to speak truth to power and who spoke for the masses - including for those who were not yet informed enough to comprehend their urgency at the time.